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The South East Prospect of the City of Philadelphia

[Sailing ship near an ocean coast]


Wood from the Petite Hermine

Bann[er of] the sea. National song and chorus. [graphic].

John H. Brown & Co. No. 307 Market St.

Delaware River, Philadelphia harbor.

Delaware River, Philadelphia harbor. [graphic] / Langenheim.

Delaware River, Philadelphia harbor.

Ice scene on the Delaware, Philadelphia

Ice scene on the Delaware, Philadelphia

Ice scene on the Delaware, Philadelphia [graphic] / Langenheim.

Shipped in good order & well conditioned by Soutter & Bell. [bill of lading]

ASSU Illustration 8003

Swiss store. Fans, baskets, sea beans, sea shells, fine porcelains, swiss carvings. E. Misson, 26 Washington St., Cape May, N.J.

Bought of Potts & Roberts, importers and dealers in foreign and American iron & steel and heavy hardware. Warehouse, Third & Willlow Sts.

To John Hartman, dr. East End Steam Biscuit Work, No. 412 South Wharves, and 413 Penn St. Plain & fancy biscuit & crackers

N. & G. Taylor Co., importers of tin plate, metals, sheet iron &c. [graphic] : Established 1810.

Cooper's Point, on the Delaware, New Jersey.

[The Morro Castle (ship) beached near shore at Asbury Park, New Jersey]

View on the Delaware, Philadelphia harbor.

View on the Delaware, Philadelphia harbor. [graphic] / Langenheim.

View on the Delaware, Philadelphia harbor.

[Plan and sections of a slave ship]

ASSU Illustration 875

Sailing ship woodcut

[Robert Morgan of New Haven, washed ashore after a storm in Atlantic City, N.J.]

Transportation Building. 250 x 960 feet. Cost $280,000.

H.M.S. Pinafore.

Luckenbach Lines steamship on the Delaware River, South Philadelphia, Philadelphia.

Coggins & Harbach, No. 36 North Eighth St., Philadelphia.

Brennan, jeweler, 13 South Eighth St., Phila.

Shipping scene.

[J. Hartman's biscuit bakery, No. 90 Penn Street, Philadelphia]

Chestnut St. Bridge, Philada. [graphic].

Ice scene on the Delaware, Philadelphia.

Ice scene on the Delaware, Philadelphia.

Ice scene on the Delaware, Philadelphia. [graphic] / Langenheim.

View on the Delaware, Philadelphia harbor.

View on the Delaware, Philadelphia harbor. [graphic] / Langenheim.

View on the Delaware, Philadelphia harbor.

Merrick & Sons iron founders, boiler makers & machinists. Washington Ave. & Fifth Street, Philadelphia.

An east prospect of the city of Philadelphia taken by George Heap from the Jersey shore, under the direction of Nicholas Scull surveyor general of the province of Pennsylvania.

U.S. Government Building- Main Avenue Looking West

Ho! for the ironclad ship! : The yard will be open for visitors on Friday & Saturday. The launch will take place at noon, Saturday, May 10th, 1862. Passengers can take the 2d & 3d Street passenger cars. Exchange tickets are sold by all connecting roads.

Steamer Missouri.

John Mustin, Jr., S.E. cor. Arch & Seventh, Philad'a. Military yarns.

Monitor Terror, Philadelphia.

[Ship Yorktown, Pier 20, East River]

Found at last! The cheapest shell store in Atlantic City. Rare and beautiful sea shells, corals, toys, curiosities, etc. East India Shell Store, No. 1120 Atlantic Avenue, above post office.
