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Group of Negroes as imported to be sold for slaves [graphic] / Blake sculpt.

Vue de Ben dans le pays de Cayor près Gorée [graphic].

[Parting scene; Old Kentucky Home] [graphic] / Kilburn & Cross ; Copeland '87.

La traite des noirs [graphic] / Trichon ; Fath.

Persecuted virtue [graphic] / G.S.

Extracts from recent correspondence in relation to fugitives from slavery in America..

Chorus -- sing, darkeys, sing [graphic] / Whitney-Annin sc. ; Darley

"Old Joseph, the Patriarch" [graphic] / F. Hedge. sc.

The bridal dance [graphic] / J.H. Goater del ; N. Orr Co. sc.

[Liberator masthead, 1838] [graphic].

Flogging the Negro. [graphic] / Vanigen - Snyder.

[Mother taken away] [graphic].

A slave caught without a pass [graphic].

Slaves taken from an Arab dhow [graphic].

A freeholder's court [graphic] / F.E. Fox sc.

Virginia stock. [graphic] / Ingrey, lith.

[B stands for bloodhound] [graphic].

[F stands for fugitives] [graphic].

The successful manhunt [graphic] / Baker-Smith sc.

Eliza crosses the Ohio on the floating ice [graphic] / G. Cruikshank ; W.T. Green sc.

The marriage [graphic] / Manning del ; Hayes, G.H.. sc.

[Views of Saint Domingue] [graphic].

[Whip and paddle] [graphic].

Truth shall make you free [graphic] / Engraved by P. Reason.

Desperate conflict in a barn [graphic].

The mother's struggle [graphic].

Scipio hunted, "As men hunt a deer!" [graphic] / G.S ; M. Jackson.

A slave-ship [graphic].

A Surinam planter in his morning dress [graphic] / Blake sculpt.

African mother on a rock [graphic].

Shooting scene [graphic].

[Family ties broken up] [graphic].

"Am I not a man, and a brother?" [graphic].

How slavery honors our country's flag [graphic].

The cruelties of slavery [graphic].

Scenes in the city prison of New York [graphic].

Insurrection on board a slave ship [graphic] / W.L. Walton, lith.

The emigration [graphic] / Whitney, Jocelyn, Annin, sc.

The slave chain [graphic].

[Justice and Britannia.] [graphic] / R. Smirke, R. A. pinx. ; Worthington sculp.

Negres de traite en voyage [graphic] / Buttura del. ; Lalemont sculp.

Scene in the slave pen at Washington [graphic] / Coffin; N. Orr N.Y.

Aunt Winnie [graphic] / J.W. Orr sc.

Les Maures poursuivant les Nègres pour les faires Esclaves [graphic] / G. Brd fme Charost D. xit ; Gravé par Demonchy.

Freedom, jubilee: liberty..

To the laboring classes. : Do you not know by experience that if a man wants to hire a person to do a job of work, that he will hire the one who will work cheapest ....

The holiday dance [graphic] / Stephens.

[Sampson, a West Indian slave] [graphic].

John Bull's monarchy a refuge from Brother Jonathan's slavery. [graphic].

Alice, d. 1802.
