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Charles Sumner [graphic] / From a photograph by Allen, 1873.

Charles Sumner

Edward Evertt Hale

Eminent women [graphic] :/ Mary A. Livermore. Sara Jewett. Grace A. Oliver. Helen Hunt. Nora Perry. Lucy Larcom. Frances Hodgson Burnett. Elizabeth Stuart Phelps. Louise Chandler Moulton. Louisa M. Alcott. Julia Ward Howe. Harriet Beecher Stowe / Notman p

Charles Sumner

Lucretia Mott.

Wendell Phillips

Charles Sumner

Charles Sumner

American celebrities album

Wendell Phillips

Wendell Phillips, 1811-1884 [graphic].

American Celebrities Albums

Wendell Phillips

[Lucretia Mott]

[Lucretia Mott]

[Lucretia Mott]

Hon. Charles Sumner

Charles Sumner

Charles Sumner

Charles Sumner, U. S. Senator, from Mass. [graphic] / J.W.T., sc.

The great Republican reform party, calling on their candidate. [graphic]

Theodore Parker

Lucretia Mott

Lucretia Mott

Robert Owen