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Le Conte, John L., 1825-1883

View of the United States Hose house & apparatus, Philadelphia. [graphic] : To the Independent Fire Co. of Baltimore & the Franklin Fire Co. of Washington, this print is respectfully dedicated, (as a slight token of appreciation of their generous hospital

A Cavalry Dandy.

A Fancy Soldier.

Recruits wanted for the Second Corps! : Now being raised to 50,000 men for special service under the command of Maj. Gen. Hancock. This is the corps commanded by the late Major General Sumner, at Fair Oaks, and through the Peninsula Campaign and at Antiet

$129 bounty paid as soon as sworn in. : Recruits wanted for the 12th Regiment, N.Y. Vols. Now serving in General Butterfield's brigade, Gen. Porter's 5th Army Corps, the crack corps of the army. One month's pay in advance $25 United States bounty, $50.00

Extra bounty! : Families of recruits provided for. By the liberal contribution of the Grocers' Committee, the Fifth Metropolitan Guard Col. T.W. Parmele, is enabled to offer an extra cash bounty of $10 for each recruit in addition to other bounties. The f

Men of the 15th Ward avoid the draft! : The 5th of September is coming! Company "C" 6th Union League Regiment! Colonel H.G. Sickel, commanding, for one year. ... Total for one year's service, $742 $483 cash down. Headquarters, Eighteenth and Green Streets

Men of the 15th Ward avoid the draft! : The 5th of September is coming! Company "C" 6th Union League Regiment! Colonel H.G. Sickel, commanding, for one year. ... Total for one year's service, $717 $458 cash down. Headquarters, Eighteenth and Green Streets

24th Ward avoid the draft! : The 5th of September is coming. The last chance---the largest bounties. Saunders Guards! Company "C" Sixth Union League Col. H.G. Sickel, comd'g. ... Total for one year's service, 692 $433 paid cash in hand as soon as the recr

$525 bounty Attention citizens of the 14th Ward. : It is no time to talk of your patriotism and loyalty, prove them by joining Company "G" of the Sixth Union League Regiment, now forming in the 14th Ward, commanded by one of the best officers in the servi

Attention 15th Ward. : Captain T.C. Spackman, is now recruiting for Company "B" at Seventeenth and Callowhill Streets, for one year's service for the Sixth Union League Col. H.G. Sickel, comd'g. late colonel of the 3d Regiment Penna., Reserves. ... The pa

Patriots arouse! Cavalry men wanted! : To form a battalion under Major A.W. Corliss. Now is the time to join a crack battalion for the gallant General Burnside's division! 400 dollars bounty! $325 before leaving the state! Families provided for by the sta

Cavalrymen wanted! : To form a new battalion, under command of Major A.W. Corliss. Now is the time to join a crack battalion for the gallant Gen. Burnside's division! 400 dollars bounty! $325 before leaving the state! Families provided for by the state! E

Cavalrymen wanted! : To form a new battalion, under command of Major A.W. Corliss. Now is the time to join a crack battalion for the gallant Gen. Burnside's division! 400 dollars bounty! $325 before leaving the state! Families provided for by the state! E

$400 bounty State aid to men with families, 4 dollars per week! : Good men wanted immediately for the 2d Regiment R.I. Cavalry under the command of Major A.W. Corliss, which has been ordered to join Major General Banks' expedition! Men who enlist in this

Town meeting! : Public notice is hereby given to the taxable citizens of the borough of Bethlehem, to meet in Citizens' Hall, on Saturday next, July 4th, at one o'clock p.m., to ratify the payment of bounty to volunteers under command of Captain F. Stout.

[Caricature of the capture of Jefferson Davis May 10, 1865]

Hungry Continentals paid busy lass a visit. Helping himself to fruit, cried one, "What is it?" This machine which does suck work! Would I were the owner!" "Sir," she said, " It is the Enterprise cherry stoner."

[William H. Helfand graphic popular medicine stationery collection]

Is our banner still advancing: song & chorus; words by John H. Lozier; music by C.M. Currier.

[Collection of billheads of pharmaceutical firms and related businesses, United States and United Kingdom, 1850-1879]

[Collection of billheads of pharmaceutical firms and related businesses, United States, 1882-1902]

[Collection of billheads of pharmaceutical firms and related businesses, United States, 1852-1879]

Grinning for the presidency. [graphic].

American Bridge Company factory plant, Trenton, New Jersey.

This popular place of amusement will open for six nights only, : on Saturday evening, June 11th, 1864, for the purpose of producing the celebrated moral drama of Uncle Tom's cabin! with an excellent comp'y of first-class artists The drama will be produced

Post Office, Philadelphia.

Post Office, Philadelphia. [graphic] / M. P. Simons, 1320 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, landscape and portrait photographer.

Iron Manufacture : boilers, steam engines, hydraulic pumps.

Third entertainment of the Geary Thespian Corps, of the 28th Regiment, Penn, Vol's, (Col. John W. Geary,) : at Camp Goodman, Point of Rocks, Md. on the evening of January 21st, 1862, at six o'clock. ... The drama, in two acts, of The last man, or The mise

Sanitary Fairs Collection, 1749-1867 (bulk 1864).

Ribbons & Textiles Collection. 1832-1880 (inclusive).

Assembly Buildings corner of Tenth and Chestnut Streets. In aid of the Great Central Fair for the U.S. Sanitary Commission, by section E², C.H.S. : The original mammoth stereopticon (copyrighted by P.E. Abel, Philadelphia.) The most thrilling and comprehe

Hampton Place - Residence of Lt. Gen. Winfield Scott - Elizabethtown, N.J.

Chestnut St. above 4th St.

Harmoneons Carolina melodies arranged for the piano forte.

4th Pennsylvania from Porto Rico.

I'se a dude!

Group at Meeting House door. Is & Will Morris, Holly [Paschall Hollingsworth] Morris & myself [graphic].

Rev. Christopher Rush

The gold & silver artificers of Phila. In civic procession 22 Feb 1832.

View of the reception of the 29th Regiment, P. V., at Philadelphia.

View of the United States Hose house & apparatus, Philadelphia.

Custom House & Post Office Phila, Pa.
