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[Scraps for the year 1830] [graphic] / Designed etched & published by D.C. Johnston.

Arms of ye confederacie. [graphic] / H.H. Tilley Del. et Sc.

The black Republicans at their devotions. [graphic]

"I say Billy, do you know why I'm doing this? Cause, I'm going to run for Congress soon!" [graphic] /. Potomac.

The great Republican reform party, calling on their candidate. [graphic]

The rail candidate. [graphic]

John Bull makes a discovery. [graphic]

Practical illustration of the fugitive slave law. [graphic] /. EC, del.

'Conquering prejudice, 'or 'fulfilling a constitutitional duty with alacrity.' [graphic] /. P. Kramer.

"The nigger" in the woodpile. [graphic]

The slavery question: Great prize-fight of the American eagle against the wolf and alligator. [graphic] / WA.

"No higher law." [graphic] /

A grand slave hunt, or trial of speed for the presidency, between celebrated nags Black Dan, Lewis Cass, and Haynau. [graphic] /. T.C., del.

The great presidential race of 1856. [graphic]

Slavery as it exists in America : Slavery as it exists in England. [graphic]

The Democratic platform [graphic]

The smokers. [graphic] / C.

The Clay compromise - a settler. [graphic]

The Great Rohan & the cattle market. [graphic]

American sympathy and Irish blackguardism. [graphic] / EWC.

Handicap race presidential stakes 1844. [graphic] /. EWC.

The chivalry at the English court. [graphic]

Oh! Massa Jeff dis sesesh fever will kill de nigger. [graphic] / [FJB?]

Senate chamber U.S.A. Conclusion of Clay's speech in defense of slavery. [graphic]

"The irrepressible conflict" or the Republican barge in danger. [graphic]

An heir to the throne, or the next Republican candidate. [graphic]

The dis-united states or the Southern Confederacy. [graphic]

The Cincinnati platform, or the way to make a new state in 1856. [graphic]

Immediate emancipation illustrated. [graphic]

Not a drum was heard nor a funeral note as his corpse to the ramparts we hurried -- : Not a loco discharged his farewell shot o'er the ditch where our hero we buried. [graphic] / H. Buchholzer.

Jim Crow, the American mountebank performing at the Grand Theatre. [graphic] / IH.

Johnny Q., introducing the Haytien Ambassador to the ladies of Lynn, Mass. Respectfully inscribed to Miss Caroline Augusta Chase, & the 500 ladies of Lynn who wish to marry black husbands. [graphic] / EWC.

Practical amalgamation. [graphic] / ENC.

The times. [graphic] / Clay fecit.

The follies of the age, vive la humbug!! [graphic]

The disappointed abolitionists. [graphic] / C.