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6019 Germantown Ave. Built by Daniel Pastorius. Also known as the Green Tree Inn. [graphic].

Pastorius House, Germantown. [graphic].

Washington House, Germantown, blt. 1740. [graphic].

"A day in June." The old Mermaid Tavern, Germantown, Philadelphia.

Old Philadelphia Punch Bowl.

6019 Main St. Old Green Tree Tavern, once kept by Daniel & Sarah Pastorius until his death in 1754. Shows also 6021 & 23.

Rear of old Swan Tavern, Ridge Ave & Nicetown Lane.

Old Blue Anchor Tavern, Front & Dock Sts. [graphic].

Smith House. Main St. abv. High. DPS 1748 on gabel.

Blue Bell Inn on the Darby Road, Philadelphia.

Buttercup Inn, Mt. Airy, Philadelphia.

McGillin's Old Ale House.

Punch Bowl, Old Philadelphia.

Old Red Hill Tavern. Built before the Revolution. Full of Indian relics. Can be seen by calling on James Emery.

Red Lion Inn postcards.

Blue Bell Tavern, Paschalville, Darby Road, kept for many years by Charlie Lloyd, May 1880. [graphic] / B. R. Evans.

[Blue Bell Tavern]. [graphic].

Indian Rock Hotel postcards.

Branchtown Hotel, York Road and Church Lane. Built by Joseph Spencer 1790.

Old "Jolly Post" Hotel, Frankford, Philadelphia.

Mermaid Hotel, Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia.

Wissahickon Lane above Ridge Av.

Wissahickon Lane above Ridge Avenue.

"Congress Hall" [graphic].

[Eugene Duffy, inn, southwest corner of Dock and Water streets] [graphic].

Penny Pot Inn, Front and Vine Streets.

Blue Anchor Inn.

Washington Inn, Washtn. Lane & Main St., known as Washington Tavern, 1793.

5242-44 Main St., formerly Indian Queen Hotel.

Blue Bell Tavern, Woodland Ave. & Island Road (about 74th St.) built 1766. Patronized by Washington. [graphic].

Fourth Street above Pine Street [graphic].

Old Washington Tavern, [graphic] : At the corner of Washington Lane and the Main Street Germantown / Photograph by Richards.

The old tavern at the Wire Bridge, Philadelphia

The old tavern at the Wire Bridge, Philadelphia [graphic].

The old tavern at the Wire Bridge, Philadelphia

Clark's Inn &c. facing the State House; Bridge & Benezett's house in Chestnut Street

Valley Green postcards.

Green Tree Inn postcards.

[Valley Green Inn, partial view focusing on Forbidden Drive, Fairmount Park, Philadelphia.]

"Ship" House, Main St., G'tn. 6338 Main St. Built 1760. At one time an inn. First public hall in Gt'n. was in rear. One of first three hand fire engines kept here.

Mermaid Tavern, Main St., Chestnut Hill.

Old tavern on Wissahickon Drive below Lincoln Drive.

Indian Rock Hotel, upper Wissahickon Drive.

Valley Green on Wissahickon.

Valley Green Inn on Wissahickon, Philadelphia. [graphic].

Valley Green, Fairmount Park, Phila. [graphic].

Drawbridge & Blue Anchor Inn.

Philadelphia in 1702.

Leary & Co.'s cheap book store, no. 138 North Second Street, ten doors below New Street, Philadelphia. [graphic] : Where are kept constantly on hand, and for sale, over 100,000 volumes of new, old, and scarce books in every department of literature, whole

Old Norris mansion, 7th & York Sts. Built 1727.
