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The Last and only chance as cavalry! : A company now forming. All bounties offered by the U. States, state & city, will be given to recruits. Head quarters, Ridge Avenue below Poplar. / Amos Pennebaker, Lieutenant. T.A. Byrnes, Captain.

Seward Artillerie erstes deutsches Regiment. : Col. H.T. Fach. Artilleristen, die wünschen, sich dem obigem Regimente anzuschliessen, find hiermit aufgefordert, sich an unten folgenden Plätzen zu melden. Col. Fach besitzt Authorität. ... / Carl Angeroth,

Col. Wm. A. Gray. Fall in! Fall in!! Fall in!!! : Recruits wanted! This is the last regiment authorized by the War and State departments. $152 bounty! $152 Recruits mustered in, uniformed and sent to camp immediately! Each recruit furnished with a gum bla

Fall in! Fall in! : Recruits wanted for Company "K" Commercial Regiment, Colonel Letcher, for 100 days' service. $50 and all other bounties, as soon as mustered in. Head quarters, 112 S. Fourth Street, and Commissioners' Hall, 37th & Market Sts., West Phi

D'Epineuil Zouaves Co. I. : Head quarters, S.E. cor. Third and Gaskill Streets. Good men wanted! To join this handsome regiment, now at camp, at Staten Island. / Geo. W. Bratton, Captain.

The Imperial Zouaves! : Wanted, at once, 20 men to complete a company of the splendid regiment of Col. D'Epineuil Pay and rations commence at once. Look at the imposing uniform---furnished at once. Recruiting office, at [blank] house for three days. Head-

We are off for Dixie Pennsylvania sharpshooters! : Under orders from the government. Volunteers wanted for Capt. Paxon's Co. in this crack regiment. As much bounty as any other regiment! / Apply to Wm. Wrigley, Lieutenant and recruiting officer, N.E. cor.

"We are off for Dixie!" Recruits wanted for the Gymnast Zouaves! : To be attached to Col. Johnson's 146th Reg., P.V., and have been accepted by the government. Bounties as follows: $90 cash; $75 at expiration of service. Apply at the armory, No. 37 South

A rare chance Recruits wanted for the Second Regiment Irish Brigade, : Col. Robt. E. Patterson. Men equipped when mustered in. Pay commences immediately! Rations and comfortable quarters provided. Apply at the recruiting stations, No. 1215 Market Street,

$50 bounty! : The glorious old National Guard once more in the field. Recruits wanted in Company "B" for 100 days' service. Harmanus Neff, Colonel commanding. Apply at the National Guards' Hall, Race Street, below Sixth. / 1st Lieut. G.W. Green. 2d " Wm.

$160 bounty! The Philadelphia Light Guard! : 145th Reg't P.V. Colonel E.W. Davis Recruits wanted for Company E of this regiment, now in camp. Recruiting station, Masonic Hall, Manayunk! / Capt. S. Wrigley, 1st Lieut. Jacob Heidenger, 2d Lieut. [blank]

Active young men wanted, to join a company, to be attached to Col. D'Epineuil's Zouave-Regiment, : now at camp, at Staten Island, N.Y. Head-quarters, 403 Walnut Street. / G. W. Bratton, Capt. ... Jenkins, 1st Lieut. ... Casiday 2d Lieut.

Aufgepaszt!!! Col. Bohlen : Sibt ein Handgeld von drei Dollars jedem gesunden un kräftigen Voluntär. Sofortige Verpflegung und Beköstigung!! Hauptquartier, No. 344 Nord Dritte Strasse.

Achtung! 40stes Regiment Pennsylv. Voluntairs, General Henry Bohlen, Camp, Hunter's Chapel, Va. : Jeder eingemusterte Mann erhält sofort drei Dollars handgeld, un wird vollständig ausgerüstet, und mit Springfield Büchlen vom Jahre 1861 bewaffnet, ehe er z

Col. J.C. Hess, commanding. Exempt from the draft! : To serve for six months! Pay the same as the regular army! Recruiting offices: 221 Race Street, and 110 South 6th. / Maj. Robert Morris, " B.T. Janney.

Russell Light Cavalry : The last chance to enter the favorite arm of the service. Having received special authority from Gov. Curtin to raise an independent troop of light cavalry! I call upon those who are able to come forward and enroll themselves at on

To arms! To arms! A few more men wanted to fill up the Keystone Battery! : Apply at the armory of the company, at the City Arsenal, Race Street bel. Broad. / Capt. Sam'l G. Thompson.

The firemen of Philadelphia prompt to action! : Fall in! Fall in! Enroll your names in the Columbia Guards! Now forming at the Columbia Engine House Filbert Street, above eleventh, to proceed to Harrisburg forthwith / H.M. Thomas, Capt.

Volunteers, to the rescue! The draft is impending! : Rally, then, and never let it be said a draft was necessary in the Keystone State! An independent company is now forming under command of Capt W.F. Griffitts, Jr. for the 9 months' service Strong, able-

Artillery Corps Independent Greys. / For Captain W.m J.J. Braceland.

Attention men! : Wanted, twenty-five more men! To fill up Company K., Gregory's Regt. of Infantry now in camp at Gray's Ferry, Philadelphia. All persons enlisting in this regiment, will be sent to camp at once, and their pay and rations will commence imme

Co. D. [Capt.] Joseph Wright. [1st Lie]ut. Samuel Hazard, Jr. [2d Li]eut. Emlen N. Carpenter.

Do not wait to be drafted! : Volunteer your services to your country, by joining the Cadwalader Greys, who are to move in a few days. Armory & recruiting station, N.E. cor. Eighth & Chestnut Sts. / Capt. I.A. Bassett.

Volunteers! : Wanted, for Company K, 24th Regiment, at the armory, 21st and Market Street, / Andrew McManus, Capt.

Volunteers wanted for Company K, Lincoln Legion : the pioneer company of the regiment. $100 bounty! 360 acres of land! Rations, pay and clothing at once. 7 companies now in active service at Washington Head quarters, 259 South Third Street. / Capt. Frank

Philad'a City Guard old 23d Regiment, P.V. : Rally for state defence! Co. "E!" Now recruiting at head-quarters, Fifth St. above Prune / Capt. Wm. Cunningham. Lieut. L.W. Govett, Lieut. Wm. Kinsley, all of the old 110th Regiment, P.V.

22d Regiment! : Wanted 50 men, to fill up Company G, attached to Col. Morehead's 22d Regiment, to be mustered in as soon as full. Head quarters cor. of Broad St. & Ridge Avenue. / Lieut. Arrison, recruiting officer.

Rally! To the defence of the Old Keystone! : Action, not words! all who wish immediately to go to the defence of our state, and do what they can to repel the invaders now threatening our firesides, are requested to come forth and enroll their names at onc

Ho, for the state service! Recruits wanted! 1st Penn'a Cavalry, for state defence!

Cavalry! Let us serve without drafting! : The only authorized cavalry company in the state. The last chance for the young, the active & brave. A few good men yet wanted to fill this company. The usual bounty, premium, and advance of pay given. Recruiting

Heavy Artillery! $150 bounty. $150 : 20 men wanted, for Battery E, 3d Pa. Heavy Artillery Capt. Ullman, for fort and sea coast defence. Now in camp and garrison at Fort Delaware. Pay, rations & clothing at once This is a very efficient regiment--the offic

Philadelphia City Guard : Col. William A. Gray. Citizens of Philadelphia desirous of repelling the invaders of our state, are requested to give their names immediately at Nos. 605 Sansom Street, 315 South Front Street, and 527 Chestnut Street. Captains an

Recruits wanted for Capt. McCollough's Zouave Corps! : Attached to Pennsylvania Zouave Regiment Col. J.M. Gosline. Men will be mustered into service immediately! Pay & rations commence at time of enrollment. Office, Smart's block, Eighth St. above Race, P

Capt. Hewes' company of Pennsylvania Zouaves Col. Gosline's regiment. : Recruits wanted to complete Co. K, apply immediately at head-quarters, 603 Chestnut St. None but able-bodied, sober, and intelligent men will be received. Pay and rations commence on

Capt. Pritners company of Pennsylvania Zouaves Col. Gosline's regiment. : Is now receiving recruits at the Philadelphia Greys Armory Market Street above Eighth. And at the cor. of 42d & Market Sts. West Philada. Capt. William Pritner, late commanding Co.

Office of the United States Marshal for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. August [blank] 1862. : To [blank] Take notice, that you have been enrolled as a citizen within the [blank] precinct of the [blank] Ward of the county of Philadelphia in the said

New York, August 18th, 1862. : Attention. Notice is hereby given that a book for registering the names of young men, their residences, and references, will be opened this day, and will remain open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily at the Cooper Institute, Room

$192! Extra bounty! $192! Fill up the old regiments! : Privates wanted! Blacksmiths and buglers wanted!! Vacancies for sergeants and corporals. $192 cash in advance and $75 when discharged from the service will be paid to active, able-bodied men enlisting

Gallatin Rifles Col. Theo. Lichtenhein. : Raised by order of the Secretary of War Volunteers wanted for this first class regiment, which will leave for the seat of war in a very short time. Pay and rations from the time of enlistment. Head-quarters, 24 No

Railroad Guards, fall in! With officers that have seen service in the field. : To arms! To arms! $50 bounty $50 Recruits wanted to fill Co. "H," Railroad Guards 100 days service. Apply at head-quarters: Frankford Road, above Huntingdon Street. Pay and rat

Read Guard Infantry Company, : attached to Col. Chantry's regiment now accepted. Attention! Volunteers!! Men wishing to go into immediate active service, have now the opportunity. Recruiting stations, at cor. of Riehmond [sic] & Ann Sts., Richmond, 25th W

Ho! for Washington : Men wanted for Company "M," Col. Heenan's reg't The only regiment accepted by the War Department for three months. This is the only chance for men to enlist, as the reg't must report in Washington on the 15th of this month, (June.) Ap

Gen'l recruiting office for Second Army Corps : No. 416 Library Street. Head-quarters Philad'a Brigade! 69th, 71st, 72d and 106th regiments. The largest bounties given! $675 to veterans having served nine months or over. And $575 to all others! Volunteers

Commissioner's Office, Doylestown, Bucks County, Pa., [blank] 186[blank] : I, Joseph S. Ely, Commissioner to superintend the draft for said county, certify that I drafted into the military service of the United States, [blank] of [blank] in said county, w

Attention! Attention! Attention! : Col. Rush's Light Cavalry Regiment, Comp. H. B. Lockwood, Captain, C. Cadwalader, 1st Lieut. W. Odenheimer, 2d Lieut. This company is now forming at N.W. corner Third & Chestnut St. Pay and rations commence at once, and

Wanted a few good men : to fill up Capt. Jos. Archambault's company, attached to the 2d Pennsylvania Reg't of Cavalry. Col. R. Butler Price, commanding. Pay to commence on enrollment and sent to camp immediately, neary Darby. Head quarters, 106 South Sixt

2d Pa. Cavalry Regiment for the First Brigade. : Headquarters, 337 Chestnut Street. / Col. Wm. Frishmuth. $100 bounty $50 cash in hand when mustered.

Ho! For Fortress Monroe! : Wanted a few more active men for Battery H. Men uniformed and sent to camp at once. Head-quarters 337 Chestnut St. second door below 4th, north side. And 50 North Sixth Street. / John S. Jarden, 1st Lieut. John W. Hamilton 2d, "
