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Bucktail Rifle Brigade! : A few picked men wanted immediately! For a company in this celebrated brigade. Additional bounty 20 each, in addition to the other bounties of $160 making the entire bounty $180. Don't wait to be drafted! Avail yourselves at once

Bucktail Rifle Brigade! : $160 bounty! Young, active men wanted for this crack brigade of sharpshooters! Now is your chance before drafting! Recruiting office, in Independence Square / Geo. M. Cullen, Capt.

Ho! for the Bucktails! : The only chance offered in Kensington, Richmond, Bridesburg and Frankford to enlist in this famous brigade. This company is attached to the 143d Regiment and to be commanded by Col. L. Wistar [sic], late of the original Bucktails.

Attention!! Good men wanted! : For company Col. Geo. P. McLean's regiment, Cameron Guards.

Volunteers wanted! : For comp'y M. Col. Geo. P. McLean's Cameron Light Guard Regiment! Uniformed and sent to camp as soon as enrolled.--Those wishing to enroll can do so, by applying at the headquarters of the company, No. 745 S. Front Street, or at No. 8

Volunteers wanted! : For the Cameron Light Guard Regiment, Col. Geo. P. M'Lean, commanding. Pay to commence on enrolment. Men sent to camp immediately, [blank] / Capt. F.B. Haines, 1st Lieut. G.H. Barbier, 2d Lieut. J.P. Wenzel.

Fall in, Company F, Cameron Light Guard Regiment, Col. G.P. M'Lean. : The undersigned, recruiting to full Company F in the above regiment, have opened their head quarters at the Lyceum Hall, in Port Providence. This regiment has been accepted by the War D

Cameron Dragoons! : Col. M. Friedman, commanding, Lieut. Col. Philip Becker. Now in active service in Virginia! A few more able bodied men wanted to fill up Co. L. Each man mustered in immediately. Privates and non-commissioned officers furnished with hor

Recruits wanted for the Bucktail Rifle Brigade : $160 bounty. Apply at the recruiting office, in Independence Square. / Geo. M. Cullen, Capt.

Colonel Rush's Light Cavalry, Company K. Active men wanted. : The regiment is now in camp on the Second St. Road, above Nicetown Lane. This company will be fully equipped here, with horses, arms and clothing. Recruiting stations, No. 403 Chestnut Street.

75 men wanted immediately to march to New York this day, to join Col. Baker's Regiment, : will be mustered into service on arrival, apply at No. 20 North Sixth Street, or No. 233 South Fifth Street.

Bucktail Rifle Brigade! To arms! To arms! : $165 bounty! ... Don't wait to be drafted! A few good men wanted immediately for this brigade. Apply at the Wm. Penn Hotel, Market Street, between 38th and 39th, West Philadelphia. / George H. North, Lieutenant

Cavalry! Let us serve without drafting!

Penn'a Cavalry! Late Cameron Dragoons, Colonel Campbell. : Recruits wanted! for the above celebrated regiment now in the field! The heavy's of the Army!! Bounty, 85 dollars, cash in hand. Other bounties same as all old regiments. Head quarters, 232 North

Stanton Cavalry 19th Penn'a Cavalry! : Avoid the draft! Now is your time to join a first-class cavalry regiment. $112 bounty! $50 cash in hand! Each recruit sent to camp as soon as enlisted. Headquarters, 22 South Fourth St. / Lt. Geo. A. Sharp, recruitin

Colonel Rush's Light Cavalry. Company K, active men wanted! : The regiment is now in camp on the Second Street Road, ab. Nicetown Lane. This company will be fully equipped here, with horses, arms, and clothing. Recruiting station, 403 Chestnut Street. / H

Cavalry! : Wanted good men, to fill up Company G, attached to the 2d Penna. Regiment Cavalry, Col. R. Butler Price, commanding. Pay to commence on enrolment, equipped and sent to camp at once. Head quarters, [blank] / 1st Lieut. Benjamin F. Sloan, 2d " Fr

Only 40 men wanted! : For garrison duty at Fortress Monroe 3d Pa. Artillery, 152d Reg't P.V. Col. Wm. [sic] Roberts comd'g. Bounty $400! / Capt. J.F. [sic] Blake. 2d Lieut. James S. Martin, Jr., recruiting Battery F, No. 329 Chestnut St.

Heavy artillery. : This is to certify, that [blank] has been regularly enlisted and sworn in as a member of Battery [blank] 3d Penn'a Artillery, 152nd Penn'a Volunteers. Residence, [blank] Family, [blank] [blank] Colonel. [blank] Captain. [blank] 186[blan

Head quarters, Roberts' Artillery, N.E. cor. Eighth and Chestnut Streets. : [blank] The undersigned (late 1st Lieut. Rush's Lancers) having been authorized to recruit for the battalion (6 companies) of heavy artillery, of which Major Joseph Roberts, 4th U

Head quarters, Roberts' Artillery, N.E. cor. Eighth and Chestnut Streets. : [blank] The undersigned (late 1st Lieut. Rush's Lancers) having been authorized to recruit for the battalion (6 companies) of heavy artillery, of which Major Joseph Roberts, 4th U

$617 bounty Wanted! Fifteen first rate men! : To fill vacancies in the South Kingston company of the Seventh Regiment R.I.V. $500 bounty from the town $117 from the state and United States Apply immediately at the headquarters of the regt., 15 Market Squa

Seventh Regiment Rhode Island Volunteers! $237 bounty : It will be seen that the City Council of the city of Providence, appropriated a sum not exceeding $60,000, to promote enlistments, to be paid to volunteers at the rate of one hundred dollars per man

Volunteers attention. : $525 bounty for one year's service only. $458 cash bounty $458 Largest bounty yet offered. "Rally around the flag boys" and avoid the draft / Call on us at our office, T.W. Wilson & Co. 605 Sansom Street. P.S.----Men paid as soon a

Hancock's Corps. : Only one company wanted $1000 bounty for 3 years. $700 bounty for 1 year. $50 premium or hand-money. / Apply to James Boldman, late Battery L, 1st Lt. Artillery, recruiting agent. Western Hotel 826 Market St., between 8th and 9th, Phila

Notice. : The undersigned, having been appointed one of the surgeons of Norfolk County, to examine persons claiming to be exempt from draft by reason of disability, hereby gives notice that he shall be at his office, (Percival Avenue, Dorchester, near Mee

Volunteers wanted! : According to resolution of County Commissioners, the Recruiting Committee of the Borough of Bethlehem are authorized to offer 300 dollars bounty! (in addition to the bounty of $100 and $16 a month wages, paid by the U.S. government,)

Last chance to enlist in a really first-rate regiment! : "Strike, 'till the last armed foe expires! Strike, for your altars and your fires! Strike, for the green graves of your sires--- God and your native land!" $172 bounty in Company F, for 3 days. 121s

$40 when enlisted Wanted! Active young men to fill up Company E, 116th Regiment, P.V. : Col. D. Heenan, com'g. 100 dollars bounty! One month's pay in advance; men mustered in and pay and rations to commence immediately. Recruiting station, 531 Chesnut St.

Volunteer! Volunteer! Avoid the draft! : 119th Regiment, P.V. accepted for three years or the war, Col. P.C. Ellmaker. $162 bounty Recruits wanted for Comp'y C at 204 Walnut Street above Second. Capt. A.T. Goodman. 1st Lieut. Benj. Saylor. 2d Lieut., Jas.

Volunteer! Volunteer! Avoid the draft! : 119th Regiment, P.V. accepted for three years or the war, Col. P.C. Ellmaker. $162 bounty Recruits wanted for Comp'y C at 204 Walnut Street above Second. Capt. A.T. Goodman, 1st Lieut Wm. A. Rowland. 2d Lieut. Benj

$160 bounty! A few good men wanted for the heavy artillery service! : 112th Regiment. 2d Artillery. This regiment is now doing garrison duty in the fortifications for the defence of the city of Washington, and wishing to fill up their numbers to the maxim

$160 bounty! 112th Regiment. 2d Artillery. : This regiment is now doing garrison duty in the fortifications for the defence of the city of Washington. A few good men wanted for the heavy artillery service! In this regiment. Apply at [blank] One hundred an

Next Tuesday they draft! Now is the time to volunteer! : Do so at once, and get your bounty $160! $85 cash before leaving the city. Join the heavy artillery, 112th P.V., now in the fortifications around Washington. Office, 138 South 4th St. J.N. Abbey, 1s

Volunteers wanted! Company C Col. Chantry's regiment, : to be mustered in for three years or during the war---will march in five days from date, by order of Simon Cameron, Secretary of War. $3.50 per month extra allowed for clothing, &c. Also, $100 bounty

$160 bounty, and one month's pay in advance. Chapman Biddle's 121st Regiment, P.V. Company F. / Lieut. J. Alfred Kay, is now recruiting at Bruner's Hotel, Germantown. (Turn over

Cameron Dragoons! : Col. Max Friedman, commanding. Now in active service in Virginia! Each man mustered in immediately. Pay and rations commence from the time of enrolment. Head-quarters:-- N.W. cor. Sixth & Jayne Sts. / Lieut. Washington Cromelien, recru

Bürger! Euer Land ist in Gefahr : Zu den Waffen! Zu den Waffen! 121stes Regiment, P.V. Körperlich fähige Männer verlangt in Col. Chapman Bittles Regiment. ... 160 dollars bounty, ... / Fried. König, im Auftrag von J.G. Rosengarten Capt., Comp. D. Werbe-Bu

Heavy artillery service. Second Artillery, 112th Reg't, Penna. Vols. : A.A. Gibson, U.S.A., Col. commanding. A few good men wanted for this fine regiment, now doing garrison duty in the fortifications for the defence of the city of Washington; it is the l

Jackson Infantry, Twenty-ninth Regiment, P.V. : Philadelphia, [blank] 1862. This is to certify, that [blank] is a [blank] of Captain [blank] Company of the Jackson Infantry Regiment, the Twenty-ninth Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, commanded by Colonel

Attention! Cameron Dragoons. : A few more men wanted to fill a company attached to Col. Max Friedman's mounted regiment, now at Philadelphia, opposite Ridge Avenue railroad station. They will receive the pay of the regular army, be entitled to the benefit

$[blank] Philadelphia, [blank] 1862. Samuel L. Ward, 811 Market Street, treasurer of the Corn Exchange Regiment Fund, : pay to the order of [blank] [blank] /100 dollars. Attest, [blank] [blank] Chairman, [blank] Secretary, of the executive committee.

Recruits wanted for Col. Chapman Biddle's regiment 121st Pennsylvania Volunteers! : For particulars of enlistments, see large bills Lieut. Routh, formerly of the British Service, who served with such honorable distinction in the Crimean War, having medals

Volunteer! Volunteer! Avoid the draft! : 121st Regiment, P.V. Accepted for three years of the war, Col. Chapman Biddle. $160 bounty and 1 month's pay in advance. Recruits wanted for Comp'y D at the Anderson House, 1529 South Street. Opposite Kater Market.

Volunteer! Volunteer! Avoid the draft! : 121st Regiment, P.V. Accepted for three years of the war, Col. Chapman Biddle. $160 bounty and 1 month's pay in advance. Recruits wanted for Comp'y D at the White House, Market St. & Lancaster Pike / J.G. Rosengart

Company H, Fire Zouaves, Capt. Thomas H. Peto. : Roll open at Hope Hose House.

Volunteers wanted for the 154th Regiment Penn. Volunteers. : Now encamped at West Philadelphia. The only regiment now organizing in this city for nine months service Remember, the draft will positively take place on the 28th inst. Let it not be said I was

Company K Volunteers wanted for nine months service : 154th Regiment Penna. Volunteers. Men enlisting in this regiment, will be mustered into service as soon as enrolled, and sent to camp. All authorized bounties will be paid Regimental head quarters, No.

$160 bounty, and one month's pay in advance. Chapman Biddle's 121st Regiment, P.V. Company D. / T.E. Zell, recruiting officer. Apply at No. 431 Chestnut Street. (Turn over
