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Destruction of the rebel monster "Merrimac" off Craney Island May 11th, 1862 [graphic].

The Union iron clad Monitor "Montauk." Destroying the rebel steamship "Nashville," in the Ogeeche River, near Savannah Ga. _. Febry. 27, 1863. [graphic].

The bombardment and capture of Fort Hindman, Arkansas Post, Ark. Jany 11th 1863. [graphic] : By the gun-boats, commanded by Rear Admiral D.D. Porter, and the Union troops under Maj. Genl. McClernand; the number of prisoners taken was 7000 being more than

Terrific combat between the "Monitor" 2 Guns & "Merrimac" 11 Guns in Hampton Roads March 9 1862. In which the little "Monitor" whipped the "Merrimac" and the whole "school" of rebel steamers [graphic].