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[Racist metamorphic New Years Day card depicting a man kissing a series of women, including a grotesquely depicted African American woman] [graphic].

Bathsheba at bath.


Amy Smith, April 17, 1876. [graphic] / Photographed by B.F. Reimer, nos. 613, 615 and 617 Nth. Second St. Philad'a.

The Universal clothes wringer. What Dina, six o'clock and not done yet! And look at these torn clothes. Oh mistis de wringing am awful, always tear de clothes 'spect dat I neber get through

Beauty on the street--front view.

[Photographs of Andalusia, probably Pennsylvania] [graphic].

Smith Brothers chemically pure Borax.

[E]spousal of Esther.

Clark's mile-end 60 spool cotton [graphic].

[Copy photograph of African American woman caregiver with her young white charges] [graphic] / F. Gutekunst, 712 Arch St. Philadelphia.

[Portrait of Millie and Christine McCoy] [graphic] / Ollivier, [Photo]. New York.

[Morgan & Headly trade cards] [graphic].

High art and elegant clothing. Merchant tailor misfits, 400 South Eighth St., first door bel. Pine. Private house. Please ring the bell.

F. Pulaski & Co., 1026 Chestnut St.

An unpleasantness in Swampoodle

Two souls with but a single thought.

A bran new coon in town

Gantz, Jones & Co.'s sea foam. [graphic].

Rapid transit in Southern Mississippi. [graphic].

Cotton is king. Plantation scene, Georgia, U.S.A. [graphic].

Who's dar? [graphic].

[Domestic Sewing Machine Co. trade cards]

[Glorification of the American Union]

No. 1. The flirtation [graphic] / McGreer.

No. 2 The introduction [graphic] / McGreer.

No. 3 The courting [graphic] / McGreer.

No. 4 The proposal [graphic] / McGreer.

No. 6 The wedding [graphic] / McGreer.

[Abraham Lincoln miscellany] [graphic].

Philharmonic T[h]eatre, Islington. Every evening at eight. [Sa]turday at three and eight. Sam Hague's Ori[gi]nal Slave Troupe at St. James's Hall, Li[me] Street, Liverpool. Every evening at 8, Saturdays at 3 & 8, all the year round. Positively for four we

Saturday evening. [graphic].

Waterbury Drug Store, established 1797. Leavenworth & Dikeman, Exchange Place, Waterbury, Conn.

Is dese' your chickens miss

I'm a masher

"De breddren and sisters will now relate dere experience."

"I'm a farder"

Uncle Tom's Cabin. On the Levee

A line shot - the recoil. [graphic] / Thos. Worth.

Cotton is king. Plantation scene, Georgia, U.S.A. [graphic].

The colored band. [graphic].

Monday morning or the tender passion. [graphic].

The old and the new – “Nothin’ but niggers nohow.” [graphic].

Street cries. [graphic].

Marriage certificate. This certifies that [Washington C. Young/of Philadelphia/state of Pennsylvania] [Amanda L. West/of Goshen/state of New Jersey] were by me united in marriage according to the ordinance of God and the laws of the state of [Pennsylvania

[Montage of caricatures satirizing Southern Democrats] [graphic].

The great November contest. Patriotism vs bummerism. [graphic]

[Chas. McKeone & Son Soap Manufacturing Co. trade cards]

[Partridge & Richardson trade cards]

Dixon's carburet of iron stove polish.
