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[Print containing sentimental genre scene and proof vignette bust portraits] [graphic].

Sewing Machine Polka [graphic] / Ehrgott, Fobriger & Co., lith. Cincinnati.

[Print with ornate border containing vignettes representing the seasons] [graphic].

[Print with ornate border containing vignettes representing the seasons] [graphic].

J. P. Buggy, palmoral [sic] skirts. Manufacturer. [graphic].

United States Land Company [certificate] [graphic].

First annual prize exhibition of the Philadelphia Sketch Club held in New York January 1866. [graphic].

Applegate & Co. Publishers, booksellers & stationers, no. 43 Main Str. Cincinnati. [graphic] : Copying presses and books. Blank books made to any pattern, paged, with or without printed headings. Notes, drafts, letter cap & note papers. Envelopes. Inks, p

[Specimens album]