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Grand reception ball in full regalia in honor of the Grand Lodge of the United States. I. O. of O. F. [invitation]

To Mrs. Amelia Bloomer.

Theo. Leonhardt & Son. Commercial lithography. 324 Chestnut St. Philadelphia.

To M. H. Traubel & Co. 46 1/2 Walnut St. opposite the Exchange. [billhead]

M. H. Traubel & Co. respectfully call your attention to their Lithographic Institute, no. 46 1/2 Walnut St. opposite the Merchants Exchange. Philadelphia

M. H. Traubel lithographic establishment, 409 Chestnut St. above 4th Philadelphia [circular]

From the Paris mantilla cloak and fur emporium. 920 Chestnut Street, Philada.

Music, blank books, and stationery store, of M. H. Traubel 323 Federal St. Camden N.J.

Order of the United Daughters of America [membership certificate]

The oysterman.

Pennsylvania Industrial Home for Blind Women. [membership certificate]

The Delaware County Society, for the Promotion of Agriculture, Horticulture, Manufactures, and the Mechanic and Household Arts.