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He dreamt dat from away off thar de angels sent him news. He 'woke and found it was Dunbarr dat sent dem bully shoes; 60 N. Fourth St. Philadelphia.

[Proofs from specimen album loose prints collection]

An unpleasantness in Swampoodle

Congressional surgery legislative quakery. [graphic] / A., Del.

Congressional surgery legislative quakery. [graphic] / A., Del.

Life in Philadelphia. "Dat is bery fine, Mr. Mortimer..." [graphic] / Clay, fecit.

Two souls with but a single thought.

[African American faces]

Life in Philadelphia. The cut direct. or getting up in the world. [graphic] / Printed by C. Ingrey, 310 Strand.

Life in Philadelphia. The cut direct. or getting up in the world. [graphic] / Printed by C. Ingrey, 310 Strand.

Life in Philadelphia. The cut direct. or how to get up in the world. [graphic] / Printed by C. Ingrey, 310 Strand.

Life in New York

The Rivals embrace [graphic] : Clarence Brooks & Co. Manufacturers of fine coach varnishes, cor. West 12th Sts. New York.

"Ariosa" Coffee. One gleam of consolation. From "Judge" by permission [graphic].

Rapid transit in Southern Mississippi. [graphic].

Fifteenth amendment. Bringing his crop to town. [graphic] / Photographed by J. N. Wilson, nos. 143 Broughton and 21 Bull Sts., Savannah, Ga.

Clarence Brooks & Co., manufacturers of fine coach varnishes, cor. West & West 12th Sts., New York.

[Caricature of the capture of Jefferson Davis May 10, 1865]

Washington Hall One night only, positively, Monday evening, Feburary 29, 1864. : Entire change of programme. Everything new! Crowded houses nightly! Everybody delighted! Patronized by the first families in the city! Morris' Minstrels brass band and burles

Library Hall! Three nights only, positively, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, March 1st, 2d & 3d, 1864 : Having just concluded a season of fifteen nights at the Concert Hall, Philadelphia, (acknowledged by all the most successful engagement ever played in

Concert Hall Chestnut Street, above Twelfth. Positively for two weeks only commencing Monday evening, Feb'y 8th, 1864. : An entire change of programme every other evening. The best band in the world, and undisputed champions of minstrelsy ... The far-fame

Sanford's new Opera House Race Street, between Second & Third, : Friday evening, Decem'r 30th, 1864, immense success of the holiday pantomime!! Ladies and their children out en masse. Children will be admitted during the holidays, with their parents, at 1

Sanford's new Opera House Race Street, between Second & Third, : Monday, January 2d, 1865. Grand gala day Morning performance for the poor! Doors open at 10 o'clock. Commence at half past 10. The poor admitted free A few seats reserved for those who can p

Sanford's new Opera House Race Street, between Second & Third, : Saturday evening, December 24, 1864 Grand holiday pantomime, Cinderella, or The harlequin prince with new scenery, tricks, transformations, &c. Programme. ... The truants, ... To conclude wi

Sanford's new Opera House Race Street, between Second & Third, : Saturday evening, Decem'r 31, 1864, unprecedented success of Sanford's Troupe and the holiday pantomime. Programme. ... That's my boy. ... To conclude with the grand fairy operatic pantomime

Sanford's new Opera House Race Street, between Second & Third, : Excursion! Free, to the city and back Sanford's complimentary benefit, on Saturday evening, Dec. 17th, 1864 Card.--The directors of the Market Street Ferry Company will, on the above evening

Sanford's new Opera House Race Street, between Second & Third, : Friday, January 6th, 1865. Benefit of Jake Wallace when the following rich, rare and racy bill, will be presented. Programme. ... The hungry musicians ... Cruelty to Johnny. ... To conclude

Sanford's new Opera House Race Street, between Second & Third, : Wednesday, Jan'y 4th, 1865. Triumph! Come to-night!! Programme. ... Paddy's wedding, ... To conclude with the grand fairy operatic pantomime of Cinderella! or, The harlequin prince. ... Frid

Sanford's new Opera House Race Street, between Second & Third, : Wednesday, Jan'y 11th, 1865 Sanford's Troupe in a grand bill of variety! Benefit of American Mechanic Society! Nino Eddie in his great ascension from the back of the stage to the ceiling. Pr

Sanford's new Opera House Race Street, between Second & Third, : Tuesday, January 3d, 1865. Immense success!!! Houses crowded nightly! by the beauty & fashion of the city Programme. ... Paddy's wedding, ... To conclude with the grand fairy operatic pantom

Sanford's new Opera House Race Street, between Second & Third, : Tuesday, January 10, 1865, Sanford's Troupe in a grand bill of variety! Benefit of J. Orr Finnie! Nino Eddie in his great ascension from the back of the stage to the ceiling. Programme. ...

Sanford's new Opera House Race Street, between Second & Third, : Thursday, January 12, 1865 Benefit of Billy Boyd on which occasion the following well-known gentlemen have kindly volunteered: Add Weaver, ... Harry Enochs, ... George Miles, ... Nino Eddie

Sanford's new Opera House Race Street, between Second & Third, : Saturday, January 7, 1865, benefit of Mr. J.P. Reese! when the following unprecedented acts, by Sanford's star troupe will be presented. Programme. ... Cruelty to Johnny. ... Stage-struck he

Sanford's new Opera House Race Street, between Second & Third, : Thursday evening, Dec'r 29th, 1864, immense success of the holiday pantomime!! Ladies and their children out en masse. Children will be admitted during the holidays, with their parents, at 1

[Double-sided proof print containing a racist caricature with a mammy and a comic genre scene with a bookmaker] [graphic] / Bernhard Hall 1902.

Sanford's new Opera House Race Street, between Second & Third. : Tuesday evening, November 29, 1864 Immense success of the great pantomime, entitled The shoemaker and tailor of Kensington, by Sanford's Opera Troupe Programme. ... The exempts! ... Challeng

Sanford's new Opera House Race Street, between Second & Third. : Wednesday evening, Nov'r 30, 1864 Immense success of the great pantomime, entitled The shoemaker and tailor of Kensington, by Sanford's Opera Troupe rivals of the Ravels in pantomime. Progra

Sanford's new Opera House Race Street, between Second & Third. : Thursday evening, December 1st, 1864 Immense success of the great pantomime, entitled The shoemaker and tailor of Kensington, by Sanford's Opera Troupe rivals of the Ravels in pantomime. Pro

Sanford's new Opera House Race Street, between Second & Third. : Friday evening, December 2d, 1864, last night but one of The shoemaker and tailor of Kensington, by Sanford's Opera Troupe rivals of the Ravels in pantomime. Programme. ... The exempts!--the

Sanford's new Opera House Race Street, between Second & Third. : Fourth week of the new opera house Monday evening, December 5th, 1864 Sanford's Opera Troupe with a grand entertainment of minstrelsy. Programme. ... Der Dutcher's [sic] dog, ... Sublime & r

Sanford's new Opera House Race Street, between Second & Third. : Fourth week of the new opera house Tuesday evening, December 6th 1864 Unprecedented success! of Sanford's Opera Troupe Look at the great variety! Programme. ... Der Deitcher's dog, ... Subli

Sanford's new Opera House Race Street, between Second & Third, : the temple of minstrelsy in which are given chaste and drawing-room amusements, by Sanford's Opera Troupe! comprising a combination of vocalists, musicians, comedians & artists of the highes

Carncross and Dixey's Minstrels in their chaste and varied entertainment : plantation scenes, original jokes and bon mots laughable burlesques! Fancy dances and beautiful music! Pronounced by the press and public to be the best band of minstrels in the wo

Sanford's new Opera House Race Street, between Second and Third. : Glorious bill! for Saturday evening, Nov. 19, '64. Sanford's great troupe! in all their original variety Sanford as Uncle Tom. Programme. ... The exempts ... Les Miserables! ... To conclud
