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Fredericks, Mlle.

Grand opening this Saturday night, January 17th, 1863. A great bill! : Programme for this evening. ... Great act of posturing! ... The new servant ... Act of heavy ballancing: ... Grand ballet divertissement, La cosmopolitana! ... Grand aerial evolutions

The Melodeon is a success. That's a fixed fact. Like a skillful fisher we angle with the right bait, and snccess [sic] is sure to follow. : This Monday night, Jan. 19th, 1863, first appearance of W. Herman Programme for this evening. ... Great act of post

Canterbury Music Hall! Saville Buildings, cor. of Sixth and Market Sts. : Admission, 10 and 15 cents Grand monster company Greatest place of amusement in the city. A monster programme by the Canterbury star troupe! Opening night, Friday, Feb'y 6th, 1863.

Canterbury Music Hall! Saville Buildings, cor. of Sixth and Market Sts. : Admission, 10 and 15 cents Grand and monster company Greatest place of amusement in the city. A monster programme by the Canterbury star troupe! Open every night! Alpha-beat-'em. At

Washington Hall South-West corner of Eighth and Spring Garden Streets. : Stage manager, B. Rose Musical director, C. Renz Pianist, T. Harrison Grand complimentary benefit to C.H. Hamilton and W. Wallace on Monday evening, April 20th, 1863. The following n

Sanford's new Opera House Race Street, between Second and Third, : We challenge the world!!! Gerhart & Collins, proprietors J. Orr Finnie, stage manager Open for the season. Monday evening, Jan'y 23d, 1865, and every evening during the week The great fami

Boy's department. Commonwealth Clothing House, 680 & 684 Washington St., (cor. Beach) Geo. W. Warren, Manager [graphic].

[Full-length group portrait of Imperial Japanese Troupe members Denkichi, Sentarō, Yonekichi, and Rinzō Hamaikari] [graphic] / F. S. Keeler, S. E. cor. Eighth & Market Sts., Philadelphia.

[Clark's mile end spool cotton trade cards]