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Marsh's Juvenile Comedians.

Howard, Cordelia, 1848-1941.

Macbeth. November 16, 1861 [graphic].

Edwin Booth [graphic] / Gladding.

Burton, William Evans, 1801-1860

Stuart Robson and Wm. H. Crane.

Jay Rial's ideal Uncle Tom's Cabin. [graphic] :   L.H. Stockwell as lawyer Marks & his trained donkey Jerry.

Vezin, Herman, 1829-1910

Dan Bryant.

Bateman sisters

The Wabash Minstrels will give their third entertainment on board the U.S. Flagship Wabash, : on Friday evening, July 4th, 1862, Port Royal Harbor, S.C. H.R. Bogart stage manager. D. Herlihy musical director. Programme. Part I. ... Intermission of 10 minu

Christmas entertainment of the 28th Regiment, Penna. Vol's. (Col. John W. Geary,) : at Camp Goodman, Point of Rocks, Md. Stage manager, Lieut. Thos. H. Elliott. Acting do. Lieut. Gilbert L. Parker. Leader of orchestra, Lieut. J.G. Warwick. Ethiopian direc

Catalogue of theatrical and public celebrities

Mr. T.D. Rice

Bijou Music Hall No. 607 Arch St, next door to the theatre. : Harry Enochs, sole proprietor Programme for this evening. ... Bijou Minstrels ... Malicious trespasses! ... Run for life ... African Roscius! ... Sky-light adventures! ... Grand inpalement feat

Third entertainment of the Geary Thespian Corps, of the 28th Regiment, Penn, Vol's, (Col. John W. Geary,) : at Camp Goodman, Point of Rocks, Md. on the evening of January 21st, 1862, at six o'clock. ... The drama, in two acts, of The last man, or The mise

[Finale of an unidentified theatrical production]

The fourth entertainment of the Geary Thespian Corps, of the 28th Regiment, Penn'a Vol's, (Col. John W. Geary,) : will be given in commemoration of Washington's birth-day, at Camp Goodman, Point of Rocks, Md. on Saturday evening, February 22, 1862, (or if

[Academy of Music trade cards]

Jim Crow, the American mountebank performing at the Grand Theatre. [graphic] / IH.

American Celebrities Albums

American celebrities album