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Liberty--a power among the nations. No. 4. : Barlow, in the eighth book of his Columbiad, gives a portrait of slavery which every freeman should study. ... New York, June 10, 1861.

A proclamation by the President of the United States. : I, Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States of America, and Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Navy thereof, do hereby proclaim and declare ... Done in the city of Washington this twenty-secon

Familiar songs latinized. : Published for the benefit of the Sanitary Commission.

Union ticket! Protection to American industry.

Wit, humor & sentiment Fun for the million! Grand musical soiree! : Immediately after the performance of the Great Show is concluded, there will be a grand Ethiopian performance in this canvas by a full band of serenaders, who will appear in a great varie

At a meeting in the Representatives Hall of the capitol of Tennessee : on the evening of September 12th, 1864, Col. R.D. Mussey, Judge J.M. Palmer, Dr. R.L. Stanford, and Captain J.F. Rusling were appointed to prepare an address expressive of the sentimen

Jeff. Davis The last ditch. : "Bless my stars if dere aint Massa Jeff Davis in de las' ditch at last.

King & Co's Grand Concert! Opera and Variety Troupe! : will perform at [blank] [blank] The above named troupe would most respectfully announce to the ladies and gentlemen of this place that they will give one of the best and most pleasing entertainments e

Grand variety concert for two nights only, : on Tuesday & Wednesday even'gs, Jan. 26 & 27 by Sam'l J. Murphy's Variety Company ... Programme. ... Minstrels! ... Turning the tables! ... To conclude with a celebrated walk-around composed expressly for this

Ferdinand & Solomon's Minstrels will give a grand parlor entertainment! : At [blank] on [blank] eve'ng, [blank] 1863 Admission [blank] cts. Children, [blank] cts. The most complete traveling band in the profession, composed of distinguished artists. Novel

Union Concert Hall Thompson Street, below Fifth. : Conrad Hoffman, proprietor Billy Rose, stage manager Jacob Stroble, leader of orchestra Open every evening, with the most complete company in the profession--composed of a number of distinguished artists.

Union Concert Hall Thompson Street, below Fifth. : Conrad Hoffman, proprietor Billy Rose, stage manager Jacob Stroble, leader of orchestra Open every evening with the most complete company in the profession, composed of a number of distinguished artists!

Melodeon 421 Callowhill Street. : W. Butler, sole proprietor Mons. La Thorne, stage manager Will open for the season, on Wednesday evening, April 30, 1862. With the largest and most versatile company ever combined within the walls of any theatre in the wo

Institute for Colored Youth. 716 Lombard Street, Philadelphia. : The managers of the Institute for Colored Youth desire to place before the view of the friends of the institute, and of others who take an interest in the intellectual advancement of the col

Mansion at Hampton, [Hampton Institute, Va.] [graphic].

Guests at Mansion House, [Hampton Institute, Va.] [graphic].

[Three] colored boys with banjos back of Swannanoa Hotel, Asheville, [NC] [graphic].

Concert Hall immense success : Every evening, at eight o'clock, and matinees Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, at 2.30. Doors open one hour previous. Tom! The blind Negro boy--of musical inspiration! Sightless and untutored from birth--his very soul over

Fun! Fun!! Fun!!! : Duer & Fox's Minstrels will give a grand concert under a tent, at [blank] on [blank] evening, [blank] 1863 Admission, [blank] cts. Children, [blank] cts. The most complete traveling band in the profession, composed of a number of disti

Star troupe. : Duer & Fox's Minstrels! will give a grand concert, under a pavilion capable of holding several hundred people, at [blank] on [blank] evening, [blank] 1863 Admission, [blank] cts. Children, [blank] cts. The most complete traveling band in th

Fun! Fun!! Fun!!! : Duer & Welch's Minstrels will give a grand concert under a tent, at [blank] on [blank] evening, [blank] 1864 Admission, [blank] cts. Children, [blank] cts. The most complete traveling band in the profession, composed of a number of dis

"We study to please!" : Grand concert! to be given at Girard Hall, S.W. corner of Sixth and Girard Avenue, on Friday evening, Feb'y 20th, 1863 by the Philadelphia Minstrels! consisting of ten performers, on which occasion they have selected the following

Duer & Fox's Minstrels will give a grand concert, under a canvas, : at [blank] on [blank] evening, [blank] Admission, 25 cents. Children, 15 cents The most complete traveling band in the profession, composed of a number of distinguished artists. Novelties

Eleventh St. Opera House Eleventh Street, above Chestnut. : Carncross and Dixey's Minstrels the star troupe of the world Benefit of E.F. Dixey this Tuesday evening, March 29th, 1864.

Triumphant success and crowded houses greet the performances at this popular temple of amusement! : Open every night with the best company in Philadelphia. Look at the array of talent: Miss Annie Winslow, vocalist and comedienne. Miss Kate Clare, the cele

An abolition traitor. : There are traitors in the North as well as in the South, and there are abolitionists in the South as well as in the North. Some of the southern abolitionists have strange views in regard to slavery and its abolition. Among the rest

Eleventh St. Opera House: (late Sanford's,) : Eleventh Street, above Chestnut. Triumphant success of Carncross & Dixey's Minstrels. The star troupe of the world. Frank Moran, the great original comedian. J.L. Carncross, the unrivalled balladist. E.F. Dixe

Carncross & Dixey's Minstrels! Eleventh Street Opera House. : Benefit of Robt. Fraser on Monday eve'g, May 4. Entire new bill.

Have you seen Sanford's new Opera House Race Street, between Second and Third? : Sanford's Troupe now performing to the largest audiences ever assembled to witness minstrelsy Look out for Thanksgiving day and night! The shoemaker & tailor of Kensington. A

Sanford Opera Hall! Third Street, rear of Herr's Hotel. : Third season and a new comp'y The warmest and most comfortable place of amusement in the city! Houses crowded from pit to dome! and hundreds turned away nightly. Go and see Sanford's Opera Troupe,

Old Abe Lincoln and his abolition war! / By Julien. Columbia! Liberty! Justice! Peace!

[Half-length portrait of African American] James Rodgers [graphic].

[Full-length portrait of African American James Rodgers] [graphic].

[Emma Louisa Gutekunst as the "Old Lady Who Lived in a Shoe"] [graphic] / F. Gutekunst, Philadelphia.
