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Cotton pressing in Louisiana [graphic] / A Hill del. ; Peirce sc.

Tobacco plantation [graphic].

Emancipated slaves can take care of themselves [graphic].

Picking cotton [graphic] / J.W. Orr N.Y.

Carrying cotton to the gin [graphic] / J.W. Orr N.Y.

Cotton gin -- Ginning cotton [graphic].

Digging potatoes with modern machinery

Down where

Sugar Cane plantation

Tobacco - Virginia

Buy the Universal plow. Made at Canton, Ohio. [graphic].

Cotton plantation scene.

Scenes on a cotton plantation [graphic].

On a Virginia turnpike

[Silas McMinn residence, Lake Idaho?]

Picking cotton

[Men husking corn]

Oliver Chilled Plow Works [graphic].

"Dat corn takes a might site a hoe'in"

Henry Simons. Wagon & U.S. national coach works. Philadelphia [graphic] / W.H. Rease N.E. cor 4th. & Chestnut Sts.

North Carolina cotton plantation

Frank & his darkies. A wagon load of beets just in from the field

Golden Cottolene, N.K. Fairbanks & Co. Chicago. [graphic].

Cottolene [graphic].

Henry Simons. Wagon & U.S. national coach works. Philadelphia

[Charles J. Webb Company float during a parade along a Philadelphia street]

[Incomplete set of racist playing card game Game of In Dixieland. No. 1118] [graphic].

Heroes of the colored race

Afro-American historical family record