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Midsummer dinner [graphic] / F. A. Nowell, No. 263 King Street, Charleston, S.C.; E. Perry, print.

[African American boy playing soldier] [graphic] / Th. Nast.

Lift your hands in the sanctuary, and bless the Lord. Psa cxxxiv.2 [graphic].

"Come, birdie, come, oh! Come with me." [graphic].

Happy birthday [graphic].

[African American boy and white girl on a candy stick seesaw] [graphic].

"How do debble does dey make a bicycle?" = Como diablos se hacen los bicírculos? [graphic].

If you want to be stylishly shod and comfortably fitted, bring your feet to Lee Reinberg, shoe man, 7 and 11 S. George St., York, PA. [graphic].

Albert & Bayley fine shoes, 449 Broad Street Newark, N.J. [graphic].

Try Atmore's mince meat and genuine English plum pudding [graphic].

See that hump? Something inside for you [graphic].

Meikleham's, Opera house block, Cohoes, N.Y. [graphic].

Nath'l Fisher & Co. school shoe. New York. [graphic].

Mrs. O'Toole- Give it to im Mickey, t'was for de loikes of sich as him, yer fayther got kilt in the war [graphic].

[African American boy shoe shine being kicked by a white boy clown] [graphic].

[African American boy butler carrying a bouquet of flowers] [graphic].

Ask your grocer or druggist for Law's Bluing. Each package makes one quart of bluing strong enough for ink, and will blue, bleach, or color very nicely for rag carpets. [graphic].

[African American boy in tree reaching for eggs in a bird’s nest] [graphic].

Merrick Thread Co., "Fooled dis time, cully. Dis cotton ain't gwine to break." [graphic].

Atmore's mince meat and genuine English plum pudding.

Clark's trademark O.N.T. spool cotton [graphic].

Office of the daily terror. The Davis Sewing Machine Co. [graphic].

Go to Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart's for the lowest prices in dry goods & notions, 442 & 444 Penn Street, Reading, Pa. [graphic].

Willard & Lane's improved Eagle Stove Polish better than any made [graphic] / Carroll.

Gold Dust Washing Powder. [graphic].

Buy the light running Domestic sewing machine [graphic].

E. Schoeneck, dealer in choice groceries, provisions, flour, etc., 359 W. Lake Street, Chicago. [graphic].

United we stand. Divided we fall [graphic].

Go way white trash, dis chile dance yer blind [graphic] / G. W. Leonard. 1877.

Who's dar? [graphic].

Gately & Britton, (limited,) largest installment house in Reading, no. 940 Penn Street [graphic].

Jas. S. Kirk & Co. soap makers, Chicago. "Satinet" [graphic].

Laird, Schober & Mitchell's shoes. Too fine to blacken! [graphic].

Sollers & Co, minstrels. [graphic].

Refrigerators. N.B Stevens, 43 Kilby Street, Boston. [graphic].

Merrick Thread Co. "Fooled dis time, cully. Dis cotton ain't gwine to break." [graphic].

Merrick Thread Co. "If this was not Merrick's thread I'd get that coon." [graphic].

We never fade!! J. & P. Coats best six cord 200 yds 50 [graphic].

"Sweet home soap." J.D. Larkin & Co. [graphic].

[Laird, Schober & Mitchell trade cards]

Photography under a cloud.

Happy Lil' Sal as the queen of the May. [graphic] / R.F. Outcault.

Spoiling the slide [graphic] : Clarence Brooks & Co. fine coach varnishes cor. West & West 12th Sts. New York.

Edwin C. Burt, fine shoes. Presented by Chas. T. Croft, Little Falls, N.Y. [graphic].

Carr & Murray, carpets, furniture & bedding, 61 & 63 Myrtle Avenue. Three doors from Jay Street, B[rooklyn] [graphic].

Use Dannemiller's Cordova coffee, in 1 pound papers, because it's the best [graphic].

Edwin C. Burt, fine shoes [graphic].

United we stand. Divided we fall [graphic].

Kendall M'f'g. Co. Providence. R.I. French laundry soap [graphic].
