In Green, F. H. Memoirs of Elleanor Eldridge (Providence, 1840), frontispiece., Eldridge, of mixed African and Native American heritage, established herself as a successful businesswoman who worked in numerous trades, successfully defended her brother in a lawsuit against him, and became a landowner and homeowner., "Elleanor now, with her sister, entered into a miscellaneous business, of weaving, spinning, going out as nurse, washer, &c.--in all of which departments she gave entire satisfaction: and in no single instance, I believe, has failed to make her employers friends. She also, with her sister, entered considerably into the soap boiling business. Of this article they every year made large quantities, which they brought to the Providence market, together with such other articles as they wished to dispose of, or as were, with suitable commissions, supplied by their neighbors. By this time the earnings of Elleanor had amounted to a sum sufficient to purchase a lot and build a small house, which she rented for forty dollars a year."--P.63., Waist-length portrait of Eldridge, holding a broom.