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Tuning up [graphic].

The "West Point," the second locomotive built in the United States for actual service [graphic].

[Celebration at building construction site]

[African American youth playing banjo.]

Hiram W. Stout, groceries, &c., 5th and Erie Ave. [graphic].

Fine clothing, for men, youths and boys at the Misfitstore, cor. 10th & F Sts. [graphic].

Concert Hall immense success : Every evening, at eight o'clock, and matinees Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, at 2.30. Doors open one hour previous. Tom! The blind Negro boy--of musical inspiration! Sightless and untutored from birth--his very soul over

The festival [graphic] / Whitney & Annin sc.

[African American minstrel group performing on a riverboat]

Cab Calloway [and his orchestra]

Use Lautz Bros. & Co's soaps, best in the market [graphic].

Use Lautz Bros. & Co's soaps, best in the market [graphic].

Use Lautz Bros. & Co's soaps, best in the market [graphic].

Use Lautz Bros. & Co's soaps, best in the market [graphic].

Compliments of McGeoch & Pierce. [graphic].

Robert Bogel.

Thomas Greene Bethune ("Blind Tom"), 1849-1908 [graphic].

Band at Hampton [Institute, Va.] [graphic].

Band playing for march, [Hampton Institute, Va.] [graphic].

New market, in South Second Street Philadelphia [graphic] / Drawn, Engraved & Published by W. Birch & Son.; Sold by R. Campbell & Co. No. 30 Chesnut Street Philada.

The colored band. [graphic].

Band leading students to dinner, [Hampton Institute, Va.] [graphic].

Mason's challenge blacking. James S. Mason & Co., nos. 138 & 140 North Front Street, Philadelphia.

Portrait album of well known 19th-century African American men of Philadelphia

Portrait Album of Well-Known 19th-Century African American Men of Philadelphia

[Stevens-Cogdell and Sanders-Venning family portrait collection]