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That intelligent contraband. [graphic].


The Temptation of St. Anthony

Our relations at home and abroad.

Exeter Hall. The Lion weeps: "Is he not a bird and a brother?" [graphic]

Grand tableau of the future. The little child, Liberty, shall lead them. [graphic]

For the precise period at which this occurred, consult history. [graphic]

The Eagle vindicates the Monroe Doctrine in Mexico. [graphic]

Introduction of Master Swamp Angel: the Lion pockets his Rams. [graphic]

Grand combat between the Eagle and the Wolf. [graphic]

Scene of camp life. [graphic].

The arming of the Wolf by his faithful squire. [graphic]

Which temporarily astonished even the Gallic Cock. [graphic]

Who responded with warlike vigor when the Lion caved. [graphic]

The Mexican Vulture garroted by the Gallic Cock. [graphic]

On England's muggy shore a surly lion gave a grievous roar! [graphic]

Which he forgets in the embrace of the belligerent Wolf of the C.S.A. [graphic]

Democratic catechism of Negro equality. : July 4th, 1863.

Certificate of marriage [graphic] / Engraved and Published by Croome Meignelle & Co. Phila.

Ferdinand & Solomon's Minstrels will give a grand parlor entertainment! : At [blank] on [blank] eve'ng, [blank] 1863 Admission [blank] cts. Children, [blank] cts. The most complete traveling band in the profession, composed of distinguished artists. Novel

Union Concert Hall Thompson Street, below Fifth. : Conrad Hoffman, proprietor Billy Rose, stage manager Jacob Stroble, leader of orchestra Open every evening with the most complete company in the profession, composed of a number of distinguished artists!

The way a Virginian treated a New Englander [graphic].

"Nuisances" going as "missionaries," "with their own consent" [graphic].

Black and white beaux [graphic] / A. Hervieu del. ; Lith. of Pendleton.

Religious dancing of the Blacks, termed "shouting" [graphic] / Bricher-Conant, sc.

"The coon" wedding march

The Musical Negro.

African American dandy

Liberty Displaying the Arts and Sciences, or The Genius of America Encouraging the Emancipation of the Blacks

Union ticket! Protection to American industry.

Wit, humor & sentiment Fun for the million! Grand musical soiree! : Immediately after the performance of the Great Show is concluded, there will be a grand Ethiopian performance in this canvas by a full band of serenaders, who will appear in a great varie

The nation's act [graphic].

Colored scholars excluded from schools [graphic].

A Northern freeman enslaved by Northern hands [graphic].

"The auctioneer's young man" [graphic] / King sc.

Freedom, jubilee: liberty..

O, Susanna! : Das bekannte Lied eines verliebten Negers.

N.J. State Colored Home, Vineland, N.J., Aug. 27, 1930.

The negro on the brain. [graphic].


Fun! Fun!! Fun!!! : Duer & Fox's Minstrels will give a grand concert under a tent, at [blank] on [blank] evening, [blank] 1863 Admission, [blank] cts. Children, [blank] cts. The most complete traveling band in the profession, composed of a number of disti

Star troupe. : Duer & Fox's Minstrels! will give a grand concert, under a pavilion capable of holding several hundred people, at [blank] on [blank] evening, [blank] 1863 Admission, [blank] cts. Children, [blank] cts. The most complete traveling band in th

Fun! Fun!! Fun!!! : Duer & Welch's Minstrels will give a grand concert under a tent, at [blank] on [blank] evening, [blank] 1864 Admission, [blank] cts. Children, [blank] cts. The most complete traveling band in the profession, composed of a number of dis

Duer & Fox's Minstrels will give a grand concert, under a canvas, : at [blank] on [blank] evening, [blank] Admission, 25 cents. Children, 15 cents The most complete traveling band in the profession, composed of a number of distinguished artists. Novelties

Eleventh St. Opera House: (late Sanford's,) : Eleventh Street, above Chestnut. Triumphant success of Carncross & Dixey's Minstrels. The star troupe of the world. Frank Moran, the great original comedian. J.L. Carncross, the unrivalled balladist. E.F. Dixe

[Unidentified African American man in militia uniform] [graphic] / Cheston's 227 Lombard St., between 2d and 3d, Philadelphia.

Clarence Brooks & Co., manufacturers of fine coach varnishes, cor. West & West 12th Sts., New York.

[Road to Philadelphy] [graphic].

[Road to Philadelphy] [graphic].
