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St. Philip's Church, Seventh Street above Vine.

Church of the Intercessor, Philadelphia. (Protestant Episcopal.) Spring Garden Street, below Broad, Philadelphia. [graphic].

St. Philip's Church. (Protestant Episcopal.) Vine Street, north side, above Eighth Street. Philadelphia. [graphic].

[Blockley Baptist Church interior, 525-553 North 53rd Street, Philadelphia] [graphic].

[Blockley Baptist Church interior, 525-553 North 53rd Street, Philadelphia] [graphic].

Baptist Church, West Philadelphia [graphic].

Central Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia [graphic].

Central Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia [graphic].

Christ Church, Philadelphia. [graphic].

Church of the Intercessor, Philadelphia.

First Reformed Presbyterian Church, Broad Street between Spruce and Pine streets, Philadelphia [graphic].

Church of the Intercessor, Philadelphia. [graphic].

Interior view of the tabernacle of the Alexander Presbyterian Church, Rev. Alfred Nevin. D.D. Pastor. N. E. corner of Nineteenth and Green streets. Philadelphia.

[First Baptist Church, Philadelphia] [graphic].

Central Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia [graphic].

Interior view of the new church of St. Joseph Philada. (Founded 1733 - Enlarged 1821 - Rebuilt 1838 - Consecrated 1839.)

[St. Clement's Protestant Episcopal Church interior view, southwest corner of 20th and Cherry Streets, Philadelphia.] [graphic].

First Baptist Church, Philadelphia.

Church of the Covenant.(Protestant Episcopal) Filbert Street, above Seventeenth Street, Philadelphia. [graphic].

The First Baptist Church, n.w. corner of Broad and Arch Streets. Philadelphia. [graphic].

[First Independent Church, northeast corner of Broad and Sansom streets, Philadelphia] [graphic].

Seventh Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia. [graphic].

Tabernacle Baptist Church, Philadelphia. [graphic].

St. Clement's church, Easter 1865

Interior of church, Old Swedes'.

Interior of St. Malachy's Church, Philadelphia, Pa.

Church of St. Vincent de Paul, Germantown, Phila. Pa.

Christ Church, Philadelphia. [graphic].

Centennial anniversary of the Lutheran Church, southeast corner 4th and Cherry streets.

Interior views of unidentified churches, including an Episcopal and Moravian church.

Christ Church.

[Arch Street Presbyterian Church interiors, 1006 Arch Street, Philadelphia] [graphic].

Christ Church, Philadelphia. [graphic].

Christ Church, Philadelphia. [graphic].

First United Presbyterian Church, southwest corner of Broad and Lombard streets, Philadelphia [graphic].

Old Swedes' Church, Philadelphia [graphic].

Saint James' Church, Philadelphia. [graphic].

Saint Andrew's Church, Philadelphia. [graphic].

St. James the Less. [graphic] / M.P. Simons, 1320 Chestnut St. Philadelphia. Landscape and portrait photographer.

St. James the Less.

Saint John's Lutheran Church, Philadelphia. [graphic].

[St. Malachy's Church, 1429 North 11th Street, Philadelphia] [graphic].

Saint Paul's Church. (Protestant Episcopal.) Third Street, between Walnut and Spruce sts. Philadelphia. [graphic].

West Arch Street Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia. [graphic].

Interior of Holy Trinity Church. Philadelphia Penna.

Interior of St. Mary's Church Philadelphia Penna.

Interior of St. Philip Neri Church. Philadelphia, Penna.

West Spruce Street Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia. [graphic].

Trinity Church. (Protestant Episcopal.) Catherine Street, between Second and Third streets. Philadelphia. [graphic].

Church of the Holy Trinity, (Protestant Episcopal,) southwest corner of Walnut and Nineteenth Streets, Philadelphia. [graphic].
