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- Title
- Pleis' celebrated fit powders & liver pills, 860 N. Third Street, Philadelphia
- Description
- Trade card containing a parental scene using animal figures. Shows a mother and father bunny playing jump rope with their bunny child. The child bunny wears a ribbon around his neck and jumps under the airborne rope. Rabbit tracks are visible on the ground. Also contains several lines of advertising text on the verso. Text promotes the testing of the powder by "over 40,000 cases," its curative powers for any age and for any length of time of the affliction of "spasms," and price per box ($.85 cents or $1). Advertising text also promotes "Pleis' Vegetable Liver Pills" at "25 cents per box.", Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of Helen Beitler and Estate of Helen Beitler.
- Date
- c1881
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Helen Beitler Graphic Ephemera Collection - Trade cards & Blotters [P.2011.10.45]
- Title
- McLaughlin's XXXX Coffee [paper doll] Best quality coffee on the market
- Description
- Includes cut-out paper doll figure "8" depicting a tiger and separate die cut costume, probably from the Chicago coffee company's "Mr. and Mrs. Whimsical Wild Animal" series. Costume design is a pink, mutton sleeve dress, with gold sash, and gloved hands holding a closed fan. McLaughlin Coffee, established in 1852, introduced lines of promotional paper dolls following the Columbian Exposition of 1893 and their discontinuation of trade cards., Instructions printed on verso of P.2011.10.37: To make figure stand, bend right foot forwar[d] and tail and left foot backward, thus forming as stand., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of Helen Beitler and Estate of Helen Beitler.
- Date
- [ca. 1895]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Helen Beitler Graphic Ephemera Collection - Trade cards & Blotters [P.2011.10.37 & 37a]
- Title
- Nath'l W. Appleton, stationer, No. 7 School Street, Boston Note papers, correspondence cards, Caw's black ink, visiting cards
- Description
- Illustrated trade card depicting an anthropomorphic cat attired in human clothing including trousers, striped shirt, vest and straw hat. The cat empties a bucket of water printed with the stationer's name into a jug. An "ice wagon" is visible behind him., Copyrighted 1881 by J.C. Beard., Advertising text printed on recto., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Digitized.
- Date
- c1881
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department trade card - Appleton [1975.F.22]
- Title
- A downright gabbler, or a goose that deserves to be hissed
- Description
- Caricature of Frances [Fanny] Wright, British-born suffragist and abolitionist, depicted as a goose eulogizing in a liturgical setting during her American lecture tour of 1829. Wright, with a goose head, attired in a black dress and long white scarf stands with a book in her raised hand in front of a table laid out with candles, a pitcher of water, and texts. Beside her a well-dressed, white man attendant holds her bonnet and observes., Title from item., Date of publication supplied by Reilly., Accessioned 1979., Description revised 2021., Access points revised 2021., Part of digital collections catalog through a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services as administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education through the Office of the Commonwealth Libraries, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Tom Corbett, Governor, 2013-2014.
- Date
- [1829]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Political Cartoons - 1829-2R [P.2275.21]
- Title
- Lewis Voight & Son, artistic paper hangings
- Description
- Illustrated trade card depicting anthropomorphic blue bird with a portfolio under one wing and a painting palette under the other. A frog sits adjacent to the bird at the edge of a lily pond. Includes flowers and a paddle fan inscribed with the monogram of the company: LV&S., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Digitized.
- Date
- [ca. 1885]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department trade card - Voight [1975.F.887]
- Title
- Stephens' album drolleries no. 1 Our relations at home and abroad
- Description
- Collection of twelve numbered and captioned comic cards satirizing the diplomatic relations between the United States, Confederate States, Great Britain, France, and Mexico during the Civil War. First nine cards show the British "surly lion" giving a "generous roar," (i.e., the recognition by Great Britain of the Confederacy); which "temporarily astonishes" the "Gallic Cock"; who eventually overpowers the lion; who later weeps "is he not a bird and brother" for a crow, (i.e. an enslaved person of the South) at Exeter Hall; "which he forgets in the embrace of the "Belligerent Wolf of the C.S.A." while stepping on the crow; which leads to his "arming of the wolf"; while the Mexican vulture is garroted by the Gallic cock (i.e., French intervention in Mexico); causing the lion to protect his rams with the introduction of the "Swamp Angel" and Greek fire, (i.e. the bombing of Charleston) by the American eagle; which causes the "grand combat" between the eagle and the wolf. Last three cards predict "to consult history" to see the Union victory of the eagle over the wolf; the eagle vindicating the Monroe Doctrine in Mexico by overthrowing the Gallic cock; and the little child Liberty leading the supplicant British lion and Gallic cock., Attributed to James Queen after Henry Louis Stephens., Title from accompanying wrapper., Date from copyright statement by William A. Stephens., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook of humorous caricatures and photographs. McAllister Collection, gift, 1886., RVCDC, Description revised 2021., Access points revised 2021., Queen, a Philadelphia lithographer and pioneer chromolithographer known for his attention to detail, served in the Civil War militia from 1862 until 1863, and created several lithographs with Civil War subjects.
- Creator
- Queen, James Fuller, 1820 or 21-1886, lithographer
- Date
- 1863
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Henry Louis Stephens Collection [5780.F.55a-l]
- Title
- "Creme" oat meal toilet soap
- Description
- Trade card promoting soap manufacturer J.D. Larkin & Co. and depicting a racist caricature of an anthropomorphized chimpanzee as a man hunter. He stands in front of a section of tall grass and holds a clutch of birds in his left hand and a rifle under his right arm. He is attired in a hunting cap, red jacket, tan pants, and black high boots. Leather straps are criss-crossed over his chest. J.D. Larkin & Co. was founded in 1875. By 1881 the soap company included over 100 factory workers and sustained specialized departments for advertising and shipping, as well as solicited to door-to-door private residences in addition to shopkeepers. Trade cards with the company logo were included with each box of soap. By 1885 the firm only directly sold their products to residential customers and was known for their premiums. The company was sold in 1941 and continued as a mail-order business until 1962., Title from item., Date from copyright statement: Copyright, Clay & Richmond, Buffalo, N.Y., 1881., Printed in upper right corner on recto: J, D, L, & C. monogram (ie. J.D. Larkin & Co.) surmounting "Buffalo, N.Y.", Series no. printed on recto: II., Advertising text printed on verso promotes "Creme" toilet soap sold by A.E. Snow, dealer in drugs, medicines, etc. in Plainfield, Vt. Also promotes "six different designs" of cards by the People's Mfg. Co., Buffalo, N.Y., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of William H. Helfand., RVCDC, Description revised 2021., Access points revised 2021., Part of digital collections catalog through a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services as administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education through the Office of the Commonwealth Libraries, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Tom Corbett, Governor, 2013-2014.
- Date
- 1881
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Helfand Patent Medicine Trade Card Collection - Pharmacists - S [P.9828.6852]
- Title
- The adventures of a conscript as told by himself
- Description
- Collection of twelve numbered and captioned comic cards using humanized animals to portray domestic and military scenes in the life of a conscripted rabbit. Includes cards showing the rabbit reviewing a "Draft" poster and declaring himself a patriot if drafted; the rabbit receiving the "agonizing fact" of his draft notice; his failed attempt to employ a substitute - a "Quack" of a duck rejected by a donkey of a surgeon (Dr. Donkey); his farewell to his love; his "fearful carnage" of the foe; his retreat to make "a sturdy rebel fly"; his successful "perilous duty" to deliver "despatches" to an owl general, including a confrontation by "a band of Gorillas," portrayed as racist caricatures, and his beheading of the Gorilla Chief; his promotion to Brigadier General; and his release from duty to "crown his glory with love" in wedded bliss., Attributed to James Queen after Henry Louis Stephens., Title from series title., Date from copyright statement by William A. Stephens., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook of humorous caricatures and photographs. McAllister Collection, gift, 1886., Described in Gathering history: The Marian S. Carson Collection of Americana. (Washington, DC: Library of Congress, 1999), p. 91., RVCDC, Description revised 2021., Access points revised 2021., Queen, a Philadelphia lithographer and pioneer chromolithographer known for his attention to detail, served in the Civil War militia from 1862 until 1863, and created several lithographs with Civil War subjects.
- Creator
- Queen, James Fuller, 1820 or 21-1886, lithographer
- Date
- 1863
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Henry Louis Stephens Collection [5780.F.56a-l]
- Title
- R. & J. Beck, opticians, No. 1016 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia W.H. Walmsley, manager. Spectacles, eye glasses, opera glasses, microscopes, thermometers, telescopes
- Description
- Illustrated trade cards for R. & J. Beck opticians depicting children attired in long coats with an umbrella walking in the rain toward an anthropomorphic thermometer and children with binoculars and a telescope looking toward an anthropomorphic owl and moon. The owl gazes back through a telescope at the children and their dog. Founded in London in 1843, the company's name changed to R. & J. Beck in 1865., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Digitized.
- Date
- [ca. 1890]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department trade card - Beck [1975.F.71-72]
- Title
- [Theo. Ricksecker's trade cards]
- Description
- Series of illustrated trade cards depicting a jester and a frog performing a variety of activities, including the jester playing a banjo and the frog dancing; the frog posing and the jester sketching his portrait; and the frog bound to a leaf stem and the jester aiming a bow and arrow at an apple on top of the frog's head., Title supplied by cataloger., Advertising text printed on versos promotes Ricksecker's skin soap, reliable perfumes, Fifth Avenue Cologne, and face powder., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Digitized.
- Date
- [ca. 1880]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department trade card - Ricksecker [1975.F.747-749]
- Title
- [Wm. F. Simes & Son trade cards]
- Description
- Series of illustrated trade cards for Wm. F. Simes & Son, proprietors of the "little gem corn & bunion remedy", at 1102 Market Street in Philadelphia. Illustrations depict a couple embracing and reeling in a large fish; a woman and three anthropomorphic owls reading and standing on a thin tree branch; a girl reeling in a fish twice the size of her own body; a man with a large, bulbous nose standing next to a stork on a beach, looking toward the ocean where a male fairy flies to retrieve a hat floating in the water; a Native American female cherub kneeling before a small Greek statuette; a male cherub playing a banjo and synchronizing the movements of a tiny ballerina doll to the music with a string attached his leg; a male cherub picking flowers and observing a dragonfly; and a male suitor standing next to the bench where his female companion is seated., Title supplied by cataloger., One print [1975.F.858] copyrighted 1882 by [illegible?], Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Digitized.
- Date
- [ca. 1882]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department trade card - Simes [1975.F.755-759; 1975.F.789; 1975.F.815; 1975.F.858]
- Title
- Beadle's half dime singer's library. Selected favorites. Comic and sentimental songs of all nations and ages "An encyclopedia of song." For sale here. Price five cents
- Description
- Poster-size advertisement containing a montage of the cover illustrations for Beadle & Adams songbooks No. 1- No. 17 published May 18, 1878 - September 14, 1878. Montage laid out as a grid. Illustrations often depict gender, ethnic, and racial stereotypes. Includes No. 1. "Whoa Emma and 59 other songs" depicting the profile of a woman attired in a horse costume composed of a horse head-shaped head piece and red dress with an immense bustle and a horse tail; No. 2. "Captain Cuff and 57 other songs" depicting a blonde male effete wearing a monocle, checkered suit, blue overcoat with red lapels, and holding a top hat in one hand and twirling the tip of his mustache with his other; No. 3. "The Gainsboro' Hat and 60 other songs" depicting a profile portrait of a fashionable brunette woman wearing a wide-brimmed hat, red long-sleeved dress with yellow and blue bodice and holding a parasol stick in one hand and a flower to her mouth in the other; No. 4. "Johnny Morgan and 60 other songs" depicting a dark-haired, mustached male organ grinder singing and playing his street organ; its strap hung over his shoulder; No. 5. "I'll Strike You with a Feather and 60 other songs" depicting a fashionable blonde woman in a coy pose and holding a feather in one hand and her gathered skirt edge in the other; No. 6. "George the Charmer, O! And 60 other songs" depicting an African American male dandy, with a mischievous glint in his eye and attired in a top hat, ruffled white shirt, yellow vest adorned with a watch fob, blue waist coat with tails, red checkered pants, and gloves;, No. 7. "The Belle of Rockaway and 52 other songs" depicting a brunette woman in swim attire (kepi, long-sleeved blue blouse, yellow and green two-tiered, ruffle edged knee length bustled skirt); No. 8."Young Fellah, You're too Fresh and 60 other songs" depicting a blonde male bon vivant attired in an orange bowler, white collared shirt, red bow tie, blue jacket, fob, and light blue pants, standing, leaning back and with his hands, one holding an upturned cane, in his pockets; No. 9. "I'm a Shy Young Girl and 65 other songs" showing a young blonde woman attired in a long-sleeved green dress with red and yellow details and multi-tiered, ruffled skirt, and standing in a demure pose, her head slightly tilted, as she slightly leans over, with her hands clasped over each other and placed near her knees; No. 10. "I'm the Governor's only Son and 59 other songs" depicting a dark-haired, mustached, confident-looking man, attired in a bowler, tan coat with collar, and light blue pants, as he stands, one leg crossed over the other, and with one hand in a coat pocket and the other resting on a walking stick; No. 11. "Comin' Thro the Rye and 55 other songs" depicting a Scottish lad, attired in a cap and kilt, and blonde-haired lass, embracing each other about the waist, and on a stroll in a rye field; No. 12. "Wave my fan just so! And 60 other songs" showing a light-haired woman, attired in a red evening gown with gold trim, and holding a blue shawl over her arm and a large green fan to her face;, No. 13 "The Rollicking Irishman" depicting a hod carrier, attired in a yellow broad-rimmed hat, an open-collared red shirt, and blue pants, and standing with a hod over his shoulder near a ladder and a pile of bricks; No. 14 "Old Dog Tray and 62 other songs" depicting a fair-headed woman, her eyes closed, attired in a blue Elizabethan-style dress with red details, and holding a black long-furred dog by his collar; No. 15. "Whoa, Charlie! And 59 other songs" depicting a fashionably-attired couple with a dark-haired, mustached man on his knee, hands clasped, and behind a fair-haired woman who stands and looks over her shoulder at him; No. 16. "In this Wheat by and by and 62 other songs" depicting anthropomorphized grasshoppers, with valises, and at rest from travel, including playing sticks, on and near a fence post; No. 17. Nancy Lee" depicting a light-haired woman, attired in green shirt, yellow kerchief at her neck, and a red skirt, standing on a pier, and waving goodbye with a red-striped handkerchief to a ship at sea., Date inferred from date of publication (September 14, 1878) of last songbook advertised: No. 17. Nancy Lee., Advertisement reverses the titles of No. 11 and 12 from their listings in Albert Johannsen's "House of Beadle and Adams" (1950)., Gift of Robert Staples and Barbara Fahs Charles., Description revised 2021., Access points revised 2021.
- Creator
- Orr, Nathaniel, engraver
- Date
- [1878]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department **GC - Advertisements - B [P.2013.86]
- Title
- The Great Rohan & the cattle market
- Description
- Cartoon depicting a pasture with a tree at the center that shows a white man growing from it. The man holds a paper entitled, "Coal is coal," and states that he needs his roots covered. On one of the branches, perches a figure with the body of a bird and the head of a man who states, "The rascally Whigs killed poor Cilley," a reference to the death of Maine Congressman Jonathan Cilley in a duel with Kentucky Congressman William J. Graves. Surrounding this figure are white men and cattle. In the right, a man attired in a long coat and top hat states that the cattle will not feed on "Rohans" and “if we could whip in the miserable conservatives, it would be really ‘contholing.’” Two other men scrounge on the ground, one labeled "Green Pear" who asks to be let up the "Rohan," and the other, who bemoans being overshadowed by the image of a bloody hand. In the left, an African American man portrayed in racist caricature speaks in the vernacular, “Hold on Massa Gineral, it be oh no use to go to dat market,” as he tries to reign in cattle with human heads that are labeled "Hampton Bull." In the right background, an onlooker warns a cattle driver who is being trampled that he can not drive them., Purchase 1987., RVCDC, Description revised 2021., Access points revised 2021., Part of digital collections catalog through a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services as administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education through the Office of the Commonwealth Libraries, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Tom Corbett, Governor, 2013-2014.
- Date
- [1838]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Political Cartoons - 1838-19 [P.9192.3]
- Title
- " Creme" oat meal toilet soap
- Description
- Incomplete series of trade cards, including duplicate and variant imagery with the same series number, to promote "Crème" toilet soap manufactured by J.D. Larkin & Co. Depicts racist, anthropomorphic chimpanzee figures in social situations and leisure and cultural activities., Series no. I (variant 1) depicts a man and woman as well-dressed anthropomorphized chimpanzees greeting each other. In the left, the man attired in a black top hat, blue jacket, and checkered yellow pants, nods his head to the left and holds up his walking stick. In the right, the woman, her back to the viewer, is attired in a yellow bonnet adorned with flowers and a ribbon, and a long-sleeved green dress with a pink belt at the waist and a bow at the bustle. She lifts up her skirt and exposes her slip. Series no. I (variant 2) depicts an anthropomorphized chimpanzee as a man artist. He rests back on his chair, and holds a palette in one hand, and a paint brush in the other. He sits in front of an easel and canvas. He is attired in a green-colored smock shirt with collar and buttons, yellow pants, and brown laced shoes. His eyelids droop down and his mouth is slightly ajar., Series no. II depicts an anthropomorphized chimpanzee as a man hunter. He stands in front of a section of tall grass and holds a clutch of birds in his left hand and a shot gun under his right arm. He is attired in a hunting cap, red jacket, tan pants, and black high boots. Leather straps are criss-crossed over his chest. Series no. III depicts an anthropomorphized chimpanzee as a man fishing at a dock. The man hangs his legs over a pier and holds a pole into the water. A basket of fish lays beside him. He wears a wide-brimmed hat, a brown jacket with the collar turned up, and blue checkered pants. The backs of two other anglers are visible in the left background. Series no. IV (2 copies) depicts anthropomorphized chimpanzees as a man and woman couple on promenade. The woman, in the left, is attired in a yellow bonnet, a yellow, three-quarter length sleeved dress with ruffling down the front and ruching on the skirt, and white gloves. She holds a fan by her left cheek, looks to her left, and lifts up the skirt of her dress and shows the edge of her slip. To the right, the man smiles and looks over her shoulder. He is attired in a bowler, red jacket, and grey-striped pants and holds a walking stick up under his arm., Series no. VI depicts anthropomorphized chimpanzees as a man and woman couple getting married by a clergyman. The couple, their backs to the viewer, stand to the left of the clergyman attired in his ceremonial robes. The man wears a suit with a long jacket. The woman wears a white wedding dress with a veil adorned with floral ornaments. The dress is composed with ruched sleeves, and adorned with pink bows and ribbons. The figures all have solemn expressions. J.D. Larkin & Co. was founded in 1875. By 1881 the soap company included over 100 factory workers and sustained specialized departments for advertising and shipping, as well as solicited to door-to-door private residences in addition to shopkeepers. Trade cards with the company logo were included with each box of soap. By 1885 the firm only directly sold their products to residential customers and was known for their premiums. The company was sold in 1941 and continued as a mail-order business until 1962., Title from items., Date, publisher, and manufacturer (printer) from copyright statements on prints: Copyright J.D. Larkin & Co., Buffalo, N.Y. 1881 and Copyright Clay & Richmond, Buffalo, N.Y. 1881., Majority of prints (P.2020.3.1-4&7) distributed by J.D. Larkin & Co., P.2020.3.5&6 distributed by the People’s Manufacturing Co., Prints include the company logo “J.D. L. & Co., Buffalo, N.Y.” in two designs; one in cursive and the other as a monogram with a central block letter., Includes series numbers: I. (2 variant images); II.; III.; V. (2 copies, same image); and VI., Five of the prints contain variant advertising text on verso. All texts include statement: To Card Collectors.- There are six different designs in this set. We will mail the complete set to any address, on receipt of 3 c./three cent stamp., RVCDC, Description reviewed 2022., Access points revised 2022.
- Date
- 1881
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department trade cards - Larkin [P.2020.3.1-7]
- Title
- W. M. Lyon, jeweler, Chester Depot, V.T
- Description
- Racist trade card depicting a comic scene showing an African American barber shaving a pig in a barber shop. The barber, in the left,is depicted holding a razor in his right hand and the pig's snout in his left. The man is attired in a white shirt with turned up collar, a black bowtie, a green and white checkered apron, and blue pants. The pig, seated chest out, leans back in the barber's chair. The animal wears a barber's cape. On a table next to the barber is a shaving mug filled with shaving foam and holding a shaving brush. The man is depicted with exaggerated features. W.M. Lyon worked as a jeweler in Chester Depot, Vermont beginning in 1877., Title from item., Date inferred from years of operation of business advertised.
- Date
- [ca. 1880]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Lyon [P.2017.95.111]
- Title
- [John Wanamaker & Co., 818, 820 & 822 Chestnut Street trade cards]
- Description
- Series of illustrated trade cards for John Wanamaker & Co.'s 818, 820 & 822 Chestnut Street store in Philadelphia. Illustrations depict the eastern and western hemispheres of the world; sheep standing in the snow; striped socks; butterflies; an anthropomorphic owl attired in a plaid coat and top hat standing in the curve of the moon observing the townscape below; a boy and a girl standing on a path below a tree in which a large birds sits; Philadelphia's City Hall; a boy riding on a sled through the snow pulled by two turkeys; a bird on a tree branch; a hearth with a kettle over a fire; rabbits and a grasshopper; an owl and birds; a well-dressed boy reading a sign on a stone all for boys' clothing at John Wanamaker & Co.'s store; putti seated in a bird's nest and playing with a Dutch clog in a pond; Japanese men assembling a paper lantern; an owl flying above two Japanese men huddled on the ground; cricket players; a large ship at sea framed by a large horseshoe; Japanese men running and falling from their sled in the snow; an angry merchant holding a $20.00 I.O.U. from a man attired in a new suit smoking a cigarette; men sitting on the field of a shooting range; and children playing with wood blocks and spelling "Wanamaker". Includes a metamorphic trade card, which when open shows an advertising board for John Wanamaker & Co. propped in a man's crooked teeth in his wide open mouth and when closed, shows the man with his eyes open and mouth closed. In 1869, Wanamaker established John Wanamaker & Co. on the 800 block of Chestnut Street., Title supplied by cataloger., Two prints [1975.F.940 & 1006] copyrighted 1881 by E.O. Goodman., Two prints [1975.F.963 & 966] copyrighted 1878 by L. Prang & Co., Boston., Two prints [1975.F.990, 991, 1000] copyrighted 1881 by O.J. Ramsdell., One print [1975.F.993] copyrighted 1879 by G.H. Kendall, engraver, 285 Broadway, New York., Printers and engravers include Hiram P. Arms, Jr. (Philadelphia), Rogers & Florance (Philadelphia), L. Prang & Co. (Boston), and G.H. Kendall (New York)., Four prints [1975.F.958, 979 & 980, 993] contain advertising text printed on versos promoting John Wanamaker & Co.'s quality clothing and low prices., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Digitized.
- Date
- [ca. 1878-ca. 1881]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department trade card - John Wanamaker & Co. [1975.F.906; 1975.F.916 & 917; 1975.F.924; 1975.F.926; 1975.F.940 & 941; 1975.F.946; 1975.F.957 & 958; 1975.F.962 & 963; 1975.F.966; 1975.F.977; 1975.F.979 & 980; 1975.F.987 & 988; 1975.F.990 & 991; 1975.F.993; 1975.F.1000; 1975.F.1006; 1975.F.1009; P.9651.24; P.9728.16; P.9745]
- Title
- A strike! A strike!
- Description
- Anti-labor union cartoon satirizing the several New York workers' strikes for higher wages in early 1836 during a harsh winter; a period of severe inflation, including exorbitant market prices; and an era of property speculation. Depicts livestock on strike for a higher market value near fish peddlers attired in winter garb, including two African American shellfish vendors. Animals include a Tom turkey ordering a turkey hen not to sell her young ones because "gobblers will bring twenty shillings and hens fifteen"; hens refusing to lay eggs for "less than four pence a piece"; a pig holding a banner inscribed "Hams 15 cents per lb exclaiming "I shall Jew them out of a shilling a pound"; an indignant lamb and calf conferring about their deserved increased prices per pound; and a confident steer exhorting the range of high prices for ordinary beef, corn fed beef, and beef shins. In the foreground, two African American men vendors get advice from two African American marketers, portrayed in racist caricature and speaking in the vernacular, about oysters unable to "strike for de frost" and that "gemmen" will not buy open mouthed clams. A white man fish peddler hawks his bass at "whole for two shilling de pound" and cut at "tree shillin" to a white gentleman inquiring about fresh fish. In the right, a barking dog sits on his "House to let. Inquire No. 48 Courtlandt St." (address of publisher) and comments "I feel like a savage! this is all contrary to law," probably an allusion to the "Geneva ruling" of 1835 by the New York state supreme court, which proclaimed unions and strikes forbidden by law., Title from item., Artist's initial lower left corner., Publication information from Weitenkampf., Copyright statement printed on recto: Entered according to act of Congress in the Year 1836, by H.R. Robinson, in the clerk's office of the District Court of the United States of the Southern District of New York., Described in Nancy Reynolds Davison's "E.W. Clay: American political caricaturist of the Jacksonian era" (PhD diss., The University of Michigan, 1980), p. 164-165., Purchase 2003., RVCDC, Description revised 2021., Access points revised 2021., Part of digital collections catalog through a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services as administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education through the Office of the Commonwealth Libraries, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Tom Corbett, Governor, 2013-2014.
- Creator
- Clay, Edward Williams, 1799-1857, artist
- Date
- [March 1836]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department political cartoons - 1836 - 1w [P.2003.40.1]
- Title
- [Scraps no. 3 for 1832]
- Description
- Plate one from the 1832 edition of, "Scraps," Johnston's popular satirical series of societal caricatures published between 1828 and 1840, and in 1849. Depicts a montage of nine scenes lampooning contemporary social issues and every day life such as corporal punishment, public drunkenness, popular fashion, marital relations, and libraries. Includes "Lock on the Understanding in two Toms bound in boards" depicting two "Toms" locked in a stockade without refreshment discussing their "Dry Goods" & "Stationary" business;" Heavy Wet" depicting a white man homeowner shocked to see a bank of snow fall from his roof unto a passerby's head; 'What a piece of work is a Man...." depicting hogs ashamed to be seen with a white man drunkard unconscious in their slop near a distillery; "Cowed Down" depicting a white wife upset about her cow's well-being as she watches her "mischievous" white husband being gored by it; "The Menagerie" depicting a confused African American man witnessing children mistaking a white man dandy and white woman dandiette for wild creatures at an animal menagerie; "Bullying Up" depicting a white farm boy haranguing a bull in front of his angry mother; "The Cat Doth Play & After Slay" depicting a picture "copied from an innkeeper's sign in Jugtown, N. Jersey" showing a cat playing a fiddle in front of a horse-drawn sleigh; "The Library" depicting the interior of a library where a foppish white woman, a Frenchman, and white men librarians misinterpret and misunderstand comments about popular literature; and "A Soporific" depicting an ailing white man unaffected by "laudanum opium" requesting his Reverend to preach a sermon in order to put him to sleep., Title supplied by cataloger., Printed in upper left corner: Plate 1., Published in D.C. Johnston's Scraps No. 3 1832 (Boston: D.C. Johnston, 1832), pl. 1., Retrospective conversion record: original entry, edited., Accessioned 1893., RVCDC, Description revised 2021., Access points revised 2021., Part of digital collections catalog through a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services as administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education through the Office of Commonwealth Libraries, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Tom Corbett, Governor, 2013-2014.
- Creator
- Johnston, David Claypoole, 1799-1865
- Date
- [1832]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department political cartoons - 1832 Scr (a) [5656.F.25]