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To arms! To arms! A few more men wanted to fill up the Keystone Battery! : Apply at the armory of the company, at the City Arsenal, Race Street bel. Broad. / Capt. Sam'l G. Thompson.

Flying artillery : Fifty good men wanted to fill up Capt. Massey's Company I Flying Artillery! To be attached to the Continental Cavalry, commanded by Col. Peyton. Government and city bounties given. All men joining this company will be clothed immediatel

Avoid the draft! : Connect yourself immediately with the Keystone Artillery! For state defence, in response to the governor's proclamation. Recruits wanted at the city arsenal, Race Street below Broad, and at Independence Hall. Do not delay, come at once,

Recruits wanted for the Keystone Artillery for temporary service, in the defence of your state. : Head-quarters 808 Filbert Street.

A Rare chance! : Wanted immediately, twenty able-bodied men, to fill up the artillery company attached to the 57th Regiment, P.V., Col. J. Richter Jones commanding. The only artillery company now being formed in the city. $100 bounty! Term of service, 3 y

To arms! To arms! State defence! 4th Penn'a artillery! : Colonel Chas. Angeroth, has just returned from Harrisburg with orders to recruit a regiment of artillery for six months service in the state defence. All the state and city bounty given! Rally under