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ASSU Illustration 6605

Infant in baby carriage with netting, Philadelphia.

Infant in baby carriage, Philadelphia.

Bought of John Westney, agt. Late of Shill, Jr. & Co., manufacturer and dealer in baby carriages, boys' & girls' velocipedes, bicycles, express wagons. All kinds of carriages and velocipedes repaired, nos. 214 and 226 Dock Street.

Infant in wicker baby carriage, Philadelphia.

"Ship" House, Main St., G'tn. 6338 Main St. Built 1760. At one time an inn. First public hall in Gt'n. was in rear. One of first three hand fire engines kept here.

Twin babies in a wicker baby coach, Philadelphia.

Infant in wicker carriage on sidewalk, Philadelphia.

[Lydia Webster sitting in a baby carriage in front of 4834 Penn Street, Philadelphia, Pa.] [graphic].