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You are respectfully invited to accompany the peace makers in their ariel flight to the land of rest Where there will be freedom of speech, to black-guard honest men, defame good government, and misrepresent all right action. Freedom of the press, to print what we please,--lawful, immoral, treasonable or any other species of information. Our nightly dreams will not be haunted by the spectre ghost of Old Abe nor our day dreams, by the fear of tyranny, which shuts (peace) men in Bastiles and prisons. The mourners will provide crape and grey butternut clothing, at their own expense. The ascension will take place precisely at midnight. Superintendent McKibben, will provide a Reed bird lunch. The McClellan campaign song, will be sung immediately at starting. Vallandigham will address the audience, supported by Pendleton, and letters from prominent men, such as Jeff Davis, Breckenridge and others will be read
Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare sm # Am 1864 You are 5755.F.23d (McAllister)
The Bijou Music Hall! No. 607 Arch Street, next door below the theatre. The people's favorite place of amusement Harry Enochs, sole proprietor Billy Boyd, stage manager J. Nosher, musical director Andrew Enochs, ticket agent Officer, A. Lake First week of Louisa St. Croix, J. Clark Wells, and Mast. Bobby Programme for this evening: ... Bijou Minstrels! ... Malicious trespassing! ... Landing of Columbus, ... Imitations by the great Billy Boyd. ... Balloon ascension! ... Adventures of a night ... Old heads and young hearts! .... To conclude with a new and original farce, by J. Clark Wells, entitled Julius Crow or, Going to the convention! ... Grand matinee every Saturday at half-past 2 o'clk for the accommodation of ladies and children. Admission, 10 and 15 cents Private boxes, $2.00. Single seats, 50 cents Doors open at quarter-before 7 o'clock. Commence quarter-before 8
Leon Berger's first week at the Bijou Music Hall began Feb. 29, 1864; Henry B. Enochs is listed in the Philadelphia directory for 1864 with a music hall at this address., Other performers include: Leon Berger, Billy Boyd, Harry Enochs, Jimmy Quinn, Helene Smith, Nellie Taylor, Tom Vance, Dave Williams, and Billy Wright., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
Bijou Music Hall (Philadelphia, Pa.)
Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare PB Phi Bijou 1864 (26)5761.F.125b (McAllister)