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Wm. Painter & Co., bankers, No. 110 South Third Street, buy all kinds of quartermasters' vouchers, including certificates for deserters, and court martial certificates.

New "5-20" six per cts. : The undersigned, as subscription agent, for the government, is prepared to deliver at once, on payment, coupon bonds, of the new 6 per cent. U.S. loan, authorized Feb. 25, 1862. ... / Jay Cooke, subscription agent, No. 114 South

The undersigned, having been appointed subscription agent by the secretary of the Treasury, : is now prepared to furnish, at once, the new twenty year 6 per cent. bonds of the United States, designated as "five-twenties," redeemable at the pleasure of the

[Third Street, east side, north of Chestnut Street, Philadelphia]