Lantern slide showing two images. The top image shows two boys from the Germantown Boys' Club pushing a canoe into the surf. The boy on the right wears a hat and leans against the canoe. The boy on the left sits in the boat with an oar. The lower image shows a group of boys and young men from the Club resting on the beach. Two large houses stand in the background. Founded in 1887, the Boys’ Parlors Association of Germantown served as a safe space for neighborhood children whose parents worked longer hours in an industrializing city. The name changed in 1907 to the Germantown Boys’ Club after joining ranks with the Boys and Girls Clubs of America. Marriott Canby Morris served as the president of the club in the first decade of the 1900s., Contains MCM stamp., Digitization and cataloging has been made possible through the generosity of David Marriott Morris, Eleanor Rhoads Morris Cox, and William Perot Morris in memory of Marriott Canby Morris and his children: Elliston Perot Morris, Marriott Canby Morris Jr., and Janet Morris and in acknowledgment of his grandchildren: William Perot Morris, Eleanor Rhoads Morris Cox, Jonathan White Morris, and David Marriott Morris., Edited.
Morris, Marriott Canby, 1863-1948, photographer
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Marriott C. Morris Collection [P.9895.2156]