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Grand gala festivals this Saturday, April 18, '63 afternoon and evening Complimentary benefit to Mr. E.J. White! on which occasion the greatest and most valuable collection of parlor ornaments ever presented in this city, will be gratuitously distributed among the audience. The manager feeling deeply grateful for the liberal patronage bestowed on the troupe by the citizens of this city, will on this occasion outdo all previous efforts, and make these, the farewell entertainments the most attractive and pleasing ever given in Philadelphia. Look at the combination of attractions! The grand baby show! Children's holiday matinee, and contest of infantile beauty: will commence at 3 o'clock, P.M. A handsome present will be given to the prettiest child in the hall, and every child will receive a beautiful article of glass work, besides a ticket entitling them to a share in the regular drawing, for prizes valued at from $2 to $25. The first present will be a splendid case of work. ... The first present for the evening will be a beautiful polished walnut case ... of the actual value of $100. Remember: this is the last chance to see the glass blowers ... No extra charge for balcony seats. Admission, 15 cents No half-price. Exhibition commences at 8 o'clock--distribution at 9. Afternoon exhibition at 3 o'clock--distribution at 4. Door open half an hour previous to exhibition
Printed area, including double-rule border, measures 64.3 x 21.7 cm., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
Woodroffe's Original Bohemian Troupe of Glass Blowers
Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare *PB 1863 Woodroffe (6)5761.F.11a (McAllister)