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Riverside Mansion, Ridge Road, Phil.

Riverside Mansion, formerly Milverton.

Louis Thoenebe & Co.'s lager beer saloon, 337 Chestnut St. Philadelphia. [graphic] : Lunch from 10 to 12 o'clock. Choice brands of wines and liquors constantly kept on hand.

Reen & Trump, manufacturers of metal show cards for brewers, etc. 14 North Fourth Street, Philadelphia.

"We fights mit Sigel" [graphic].

A Barrel of Lager.

[Deutscher Club Beer Garden, 532 North 4th Street, Philadelphia.]

Vell here is to mine healt, long may I live and prosper!

[Duesseldorfer "Progress Brand," Indianapolis Brewing Co. trade card]

W. Spencer Rowland's Union lager beer saloon, No. 724 Filbert Street, Philadelphia.

The Bergner & Engel Brewing Co., Philadelphia.

F.A. Poth Brewing Company, Philadelphia.

The Prospect Brewing Co. Eleventh, Oxford & Marvine Sts. Philadelphia, Pa.

Walnut St. Theatre.

G[ustavus] Bergner's Lager Beer Saloon & Depot, 239 Dock Street, below Third St., Philadelphia.

A Picket Guard.

All Lager--No Love.

Gottleib Hartung's wine & lager beer hall and restaurant. Importer of Rhenish and Neckar wines, No. 512 Race St., Philadelphia.

South-east corner of Twelfth and Locust streets.

[Fulton House, No. 121 South Second Street, Philadelphia] [graphic] / JMF 1861.

A Recruiting Officer.

Dutch Woman.

First old Presbyterian church. East side of Seventh Street. A few doors below Bainbridge formerly Shippen Street.

[Library Street, southside, between Goldsmith's Hall and Fourth Street] [graphic].