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Grand musical festival at Engel & Wolf's farm, for the benefit of the regiment "Forward," this day!

Do not forget to go and hear J.E. Murdoch's great patriotic address! : For the benefit of the sick & wounded soldiers and their families, Thursday eve'ng, Aug. 13 at the Academy of Music!

In aid of the sick and wounded soldiers. : Concert by the Harmonia Musical Society, Musical Fund Hall, Tuesday evening, April 1st, 1862. The Cantata of Ruth, and miscellaneous music will be presented. Tickets fifty cents each.

Academy of Music. Grand Union festival : A patriotic concert will be given under the direction of Carl Gaertner, on Tuesday, May 13th, '62. For the benefit of the sick and wounded soldiers in Kentucky. Tickets, at fifty cents each, for sale at all the pri

Wyman ventriloquist and wizard, : at United American Hall Fourth and George Streets, Friday evening, April 1st, 1864 for the benefit of Camanche Association! Wyman's grand coup de etat in necromancy! He will perform some of the most wonderful things ever

Horticultural Hall, Broad and Walnut Street. Amateur Minstrels, Monday evening, March 28th, 1864. : Programme. ... Doors open at 7 P.M. Performance to commence at 7 1/2. Admittance, 25 cents. Reserved seats, 25 cents extra.

Lecture. : "Our glorious country, the United States, foretold in the Holy Scriptures," clearly delinieated, described & located, / by Prof. Strowbridge, chaplain from the United States Army. Proceeds for the sick, wounded and destitute soldiers. The profe

Grand concert in aid of the Germantown Field-Hospital Association, and the School Lane Sewing Circle, : at Langstroth's Hall, Germantown, on Monday evening, December 12th, 1864. Carl Wolfsohn, accompanist. M.F. Aledo, leader of instrumental septette. ...

Seventh grand fancy and citizens' dress festival : o [sic] Pocahontas Tent, No. 1, D. of F, on Tuesday, Feb. 25th, 1862, at National Guard's Hall, Race Street, below Sixth, for the benefit of the Cooper Shop Volunteer Refreshment Saloon. Tickets, fifty ce

A promenade concert will be given at the Masonic Hall, : on Thursday evening, May 12th, for the benefit of the Sociers' Union Fair, / by the ladies of the May Flower Association. There will be a table of just such delicacies as will be needed. Rolley's Ba

Foyer of the Academy. : Wednesday evening, April 13, 1864. Vocal & instrumental concert in aid of the Sanitary Commission. Committee--Miss Houston, Miss De Solms, F.H. Williams. Programme. ... Cards of admission--one dollar. The Steinway grand piano has b

American Academy of Music. This Friday evening, May 6th, 1864 third night of the grand musical festival! In aid of the Great Sanitary Fair! : Second night of the new English opera! By Wm. Henry Fry, Esq., entitled Notre-Dame of Paris! Represented under th

American Academy of Music. Saturday afternoon, May 7, 1864, grand musical festival! In aid of the Great Sanitary Fair! : This Saturday afternoon, May 7th, at 2 o'clock, grand gala matinee when will be presented, for the third time, the new English opera!

Prof. C.C. Schaeffer will repeat his lecture on Hamlet, : the first of his course, for the benefit of U.S. Sanitary Commission, with diagrams, (free) at the hall of the university, Ninth Street, above Chestnut, on Friday, June 24, 1864, at 5 o'clock, P.M.

H.M.S. Pinafore, for the benefit of the Penna. Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. Friday afternoon, April 25, 1879.

"In Union there is strength." : Grand complimentary concert! for the benefit of the widow of an old soldier to be given at Franklin Hall, Sixth Street, below Arch, on Saturday evening, April 2d, '64 on which occasion a host of talent will appear, George M

This Friday evening, July 24th, 1863 Benefit of the Foster brothers : Go and see the celebrated pantomime of Mother Goose or, The harlequin and golden egg.

Eleventh St. Opera House Eleventh Street, above Chestnut. : Carncross and Dixey's Minstrels the star troupe of the world Benefit of E.F. Dixey this Tuesday evening, March 29th, 1864.

A Grand concert! of vocal and insturmental music, : to be held at the Assembly Buildings for the benefit of the widow of the late Prof. John A. Janke on which occasion a number of ladies and gentlemen will appear, all having in the kindest manner voluntee

Odd Fellows' Hall, Frankford Benefit of the National Cornet Band! : The original, mammoth, justly celebrated and wonderful stereopticon (copyrighted by P.E. Abel, Philadelphia.) Manager, John Toy Business agent, W.H. Sargent Lecturer, E.E. Hulfish, Esq. O

Canterbury Music Hall N.W. corner of Fifth and Chestnut Streets. : Gardiner & Enochs, proprietors Benefit of Uncle John Weaver Mr. Weaver begs leave to inform his friends (if he has any) that his benefit, through the kindness of Messrs. Gardiner & Enochs,

Carncross & Dixey's Minstrels! Eleventh Street Opera House. : Benefit of Robt. Fraser on Monday eve'g, May 4. Entire new bill.

Grand vocal & instrumental matinee, at Sansom Street Hall, : on Saturday, Feb. 28th, 1863, for the benefit of Mrs. Amelia Mezzara who has been a nurse in the U.S. Army hospitals, and in the field, since the First Battle at Bull Run. ... Programme. ... To

Captain A.R. Calhoun will deliver a lecture on "Prison life in the land of chivalry," : on Thursday evening, the 13th inst., at the hall of the "Ladies' Soldiers' Aid," of Weldon, Montgomery Co., in aid of the sick & wounded soldiers. Admission, 25 cts. A

Melodeon Hall--Tuesday evening, Dec. 15, 1863. : Readings by the Cincinnati Shakespeare Club, for the benefit of the Sanitary Fair. The distinguished pianist Miss Eugenie de Roode has kindly consented to appear on the occasion. ... Reading to begin at hal

Grand complimentary concert to Messrs. Chambers & Neel by their friends, : on Monday eve'ng, August 3, 1863, for which occasion they have engaged Sanford & Hamilton's Minstrels ... Programme. ... The haunted house! ... The performance will conclude with T

Washington Hall South-West corner of Eighth and Spring Garden Streets. : Stage manager, B. Rose Musical director, C. Renz Pianist, T. Harrison Grand complimentary benefit to C.H. Hamilton and W. Wallace on Monday evening, April 20th, 1863. The following n

To make you laugh is our delight! : Grand concert to be given at Washington Hall, south-west corner of Eighth and Spring Garden Streets, on Wednesday evening, May 20, 1863, for the benefit of Billy Martin of the Philadelphia Minstrels, on which occasion t

Grand complimentary benefit to Billy Burr by his numerous friends, : on Friday evening, Feb. 12, 1864, on which occasion, a host of volunteers will appear, consisting of the following named artists: Mr. Ferdinand, in his champion bone solo. Billy Rose, th

The Bijou Music Hall! No. 607 Arch Street, next door below the theatre. The people's favorite place of amusement. : Harry Enochs, sole proprietor Billy Boyd, stage manager J. Nosher, musical director Andrew Enochs, ticket agent Officer, A. Lake Thursday e
