Quirky advertisement showing heavy street traffic in front of the clothing store, designed as a medieval tower, at 518 Market Street. Patrons and pedestrians gather near the entrance of the store across from a saddled horse and a dray loaded with crates parked in front of the building. Other street traffic includes a stopped "Hestonville, Market Street, Cambridge Ferry" omnibus from which a lady departs from the rear while a chariot-like horse-drawn vehicle advertising "Tower Hall Clothing Bazaar Market Street" passes her. The unique vehicle is followed by an ornately painted "West Philadelphia" street car crowded with passengers, including men seated on the roof beside the driver. Also shows neighboring buildings. Joseph M. Bennett opened his clothier establishment in 1849, which he named Tower Hall in 1853., Title supplied by Wainwright., Philadelphia on Stone, Atwater Kent Museum: 88.98.393/2, Trimmed. Varnished.
[ca. 1859]
Atwater Kent Museum | Print Department AKM AKM 88.98.393/2