Advertisement containing a view of the hectic brewery complex in Northwest Philadelphia, i.e. Brewerytown. Complex includes an office building and dwelling (right), two ice houses (built 1865 and 1871, left), brewery plant, sheds, and courtyard. Outside of the plant, several Bergner & Engel horse-drawn wagons loaded with barrels travel in the street. The vehicles pass carriages, a man on horseback, two unoccupied drivers consulting each other, and a man, probably a brewery worker, seated on barrels talking with a man, possibly a job seeker, who has a carpetbag and a dog at his side. On the sidewalk, women, children, and gentlemen stroll, as brewery laborers work around them. Men load a wagon with barrels from one of the ice houses, as others coordinate the wagons (two excited dogs at his sides), carry barrels, and calm a horse at the courtyard entrance. Near the entrance, Mr. Bergner stands outside his office by his parked carriage and listens to an employee. Barrels line the wall of the courtyard. Within the space, loaded company wagons arrive, idle wagons and crate beds are stored, and laborers move barrels, including one from a huge pile on the terrace of the keg washing room attached to the second ice house. A grove of trees borders the complex in the left of the image. The partnership of Bergner & Engel was formed in 1870 at the brewery of Bergner (erected 1857-1858) following the dissolution of the partnership of brewers Wolf & Engel. Bergner & Engle ceased operations during prohibition., Philadelphia on Stone, POS 38
Tholey, Charles P., d. 1898
[ca. 1873]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department **BW-Industries [P.8970.30]
Advertisement containing an exterior view of the multi-storied saloon opened in 1858. Patrons walk up from the basement entrance, past a keg on display, and are visible on a side stoop of steps of the "Bergners Lager Beer Saloon" building. In the street, ominbuses travel, a driver leads a four-horse team truck loaded with goods, and pedestrians walk. Also shows surrounding buildings. Bergner, also a brewer, remained at the location until 1869., Date from manuscript note on verso: Dec. 1859., Not in Wainwright., Philadelphia on Stone, POS 290, Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook of views of Philadelphia.
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department BW - Business [(7)1322.F.443d]