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Shipped by the grace of God in good order and well conditioned, by [blank] :

Adams & Co's express. Eastern, Western, and Northern package express, for the conveyance of merchandise, specie, baggage, &c, &c, and insurance effected, whenever required on any package, to its full amount of value.

A. L. Gerhart & Co.'s commission & forwarding warehouse, No. 365 Market Street.

Thomas Borbidge, forwarding and commission merchant, no. 278 Market Street.

A. Wright & Nephew, Vine Street Wharf, Delaware.

Robert Moderwell's transportation line for Philadelphia and Lancaster, warehouse fronting on North Queen Street and the Penna. Rail Road, Lancaster.

W.P. & A. Sharpless, S.E. cor. Broad & Race Sts.

United States Express Company, principal office, 82 Broadway, branch offices, 291 (corner Reade) and 416 Broadway. New York.

Shipped by the grace of God, in good order and well conditioned, by [blank] :