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[Village street scene]

Associate Presbyterian Mission, Trinidad.

Secession displayed [graphic].

[Prodigal Son series, 1775] [graphic] / ches Haid.

Columbia trading with all the world.

If dat ar fish knowd dis wor Merrick's thread, he wouldnt ha bit.

F. Pulaski & Co., 1026 Chestnut St.

Quarries near Pitt's Bay. Men with tools. [Bermuda] [graphic].

Pitt's Bay from road, near quarries, [Bermuda] [graphic].

Olaudah Equiano or Gustavus Vassa the African

A group of natives, Chipigana. Tropical Scenery. Darien Expedition.

Pennsylvania Colonization Society

This view of the barracks Fort Charlotte and part of the Island of New Providence to the westward of the town of Nasssau taken from the top of the guard house

Midway Plaisance-Dahomans [graphic].


Ethnographic tableau

Views of Liberia from "W.F. Lynch report of mission to Africa"

Sandeago - Cuba

Writing the Emancipation Proclamation

Mount Vaughan

A view of Bassa Cove (in Liberia.)

Free negroes in Haiti

New-Jersey Society for promoting the abolition of slavery [certificate]

To the friends of negro emancipation, this print is inscribed




Missionary Society of the Evangelical Association of North America [certificate]

[Geo. S. Harris & Sons print specimens]

[Manufacturing cigars for the poodles. A sketch from the Havannah.] [graphic] / [As hungry dogs will dirty pudding eat. So poodles suck such nauceous trash for treats.]

The nigger emperor of Nicuragua [sic] on his throne. [graphic] : Attended by Chatfield & his black guards witnessing the detention of the steamer Prometheus, by the English brig of war Express, at San Juan.

Johnny Q., introducing the Haytien Ambassador to the ladies of Lynn, Mass. Respectfully inscribed to Miss Caroline Augusta Chase, & the 500 ladies of Lynn who wish to marry black husbands. [graphic] / EWC.

Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church [certificate]

All together! Enlist in the Navy [graphic] / H. Reuterdahl.

West India luxury!! [graphic] / J.F.

View of the Capitol of the United States after the conflagration in 1814

[View of the Centennial Machinery Hall with people from all nations] [graphic].