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1/2 merit

J. Geo. Hintz, books, stationery and artist materials, no. 734 Penn St., Reading, Pa.

Franklin prints Philadelphia. [graphic].

Ruclius & Kinlzbach doll manufacturers Philadelphia.

Ruclius & Kinlzbach doll manufacturers Philadelphia. [graphic].

Annual mask ball of the Liedertafel at the National Guards Hall, February the 13th 1865.

Annual mask ball of the Liedertafel at the National Guards Hall, February the 13th 1865. [graphic].

[Billheads of George Walker, druggist, Hall's X Roads, Aberdeen, Md.]

Jayne's [patent medicine label] [graphic].

Adams & Co.'s Express, 116 Chestnut St. Philadelphia. [graphic] : Commissions executed in all the principal cities of the world.

[Miscellaneous specimens from specimen album loose prints collection]

[Miscellaneous specimens from specimen album loose prints collection] [graphic].

Mrs. S. A. Allen's improved hair restorer. Favorite hair dressing. New style in one bottle. Price, one dollar.

[Specimen sheets for Theodore Leonhardt & Son, High Grade Lithographers 922 Locust Street Philadelphia.] [graphic]

Dr. Leidy's san-guin'e-ous sarsparilla panacea vegetable compound.

[Sheet of label proofs] [graphic].

James K. Polk

James K. Polk

Marriage certificate. This certifies that [blank] of [blank] and [blank] of [blank] united in holy matrimony according to the ordinance of God and the laws of [blank] at [blank] on the [blank] day of [blank] A.D. [blank]. Witnesses [blank] [blank] [graphi

Marriage certificate. This certifies that [Washington C. Young/of Philadelphia/state of Pennsylvania] [Amanda L. West/of Goshen/state of New Jersey] were by me united in marriage according to the ordinance of God and the laws of the state of [Pennsylvania

[David Doret collection of Philadelphia clothing, shoes, and related manufacturers and trades billheads] [graphic].