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Men of the 15th Ward avoid the draft! : The 5th of September is coming! Company "C" 6th Union League Regiment! Colonel H.G. Sickel, commanding, for one year. ... Total for one year's service, $742 $483 cash down. Headquarters, Eighteenth and Green Streets

Men of the 15th Ward avoid the draft! : The 5th of September is coming! Company "C" 6th Union League Regiment! Colonel H.G. Sickel, commanding, for one year. ... Total for one year's service, $717 $458 cash down. Headquarters, Eighteenth and Green Streets

Attention 15th Ward. : Captain T.C. Spackman, is now recruiting for Company "B" at Seventeenth and Callowhill Streets, for one year's service for the Sixth Union League Col. H.G. Sickel, comd'g. late colonel of the 3d Regiment Penna., Reserves. ... The pa