Advertisement showing the interior of the saloon and bowling alley operated on the 400 block of Chestnut Street by Galusha circa 1854. Several men, many in top hats, sit, drink, read, and are served at four tables in front of the bowling lanes, two of which are in use. Also shows two men, standing and engaged in conversation in the center of the room. In the left of the image, two men drink at the bar that is manned by a bartender. Large framed pictures adorn the wall and pin boys sit at the backs of the lanes. Also includes a decorative border containing a trellis covered in a grapevine; a banner labeled Waverly Saloon; and bowling pins., Trimmed., Philadelphia on Stone, POS 823, Historical Society of Pennsylvania: Bb 07 B 787, LCP exhibit catalogue: Made in America, entry #74
[ca. 1854]
Historical Society of Pennsylvania HSP Bb 07 B 787
Series of illustrated trade cards for George W. Miles' millinery establishment at 928 Chestnut Street in Philadelphia. One illustration, entitled "The Maiden's Prayer", depicts a woman on her knees with her hands clasped praying in front of a display case containing Miles' hats. Another illustration depicts a couple bowling., Title supplied by cataloger., One print [P.9798.1] printed by E. Ketterlinus & Co., One print [1975.F.617] contains advertising text printed on verso: Geo. W. Miles, importer of millinery goods, No. 928 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Digitized.
[ca. 1880]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department trade card - Miles [1975.F.617 & P.9798.1]
Series of illustrated trade cards depicting a couple bowling; a woman shooting a bow at a target, while her male companion smokes a pipe; a man spying on a couple walking through a hayfield; and an illustration of "The Cow Jumps Over the Moon" showing cats playing fiddles as a cow jumps over an anthropomorphic, smiling moon. Mack's milk chocolate was manufactured by Basley & McAlvanah, New York., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Digitized.
[ca. 1880]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department trade card - Mack's [1975.F.575; 1975.F.577; 1975.F.580; 1975.F.590]