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- Title
- [P. Madeira trade cards]
- Description
- Series of illustrated trade cards promoting Pugh Madeira's cutlery and surgical instrument establishment at 115 South Tenth Street, Philadelphia. lllustrations represent world countries by depicting boys attired in styles of clothing native to China, France, Germany, South America, Hungary, United States, Turkey, Spain, Italy, England, Russia, and Mexico. Also shows two boys riding horses. The card labeled, “China,” shows a Chinese boy with a carrying pole across his shoulders, which holds cards on each side. He wears a queue hairstyle and is attired in a red hat with a black brim; a colorful, long-sleeved tunic; yellow pants; and yellow boots. He holds an orange card in his left hand. A piece of wood is yoked across his shoulders and wire or string hangs down on both sides, which balance the weight of the load. The border has decorative Chinese-stylized decorative motifs., Title supplied by cataloger., Date inferred from dates of operation of the advertised business., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Digitized.
- Date
- [ca. 1880]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department trade card - Madeira [1975.F.594; 1975.F.599-608; 1975.F.647; P.2002.9.3]
- Title
- Celluloid waterproof collars, cuffs & shirt bosoms
- Description
- Trade card advertising J.H. Richelderfer’s celluloid collars and cuffs and depicting a racist caricature of a Chinese boy smoking a pipe and carrying a cane. Shows the boy, wearing a queue hairstyle with a pink bow tied at the end of his braid and attired in a colorfully patterned Chinese robe with oversized celluloid cuffs, collar, and hat, and red, slip-on, cloth shoes. He holds the smoking pipe to his lips with his left hand and carries a walking cane in his right hand., Title from item., Date inferred from content., Stamped on recto: J.H. Richelderfer, Gent’s furnishing and over-gaiters, 1032 Chestnut St., S.E. Cor. of 11th., Text printed on verso: Celluloid (Waterproof linen.) Collard, cuffs and shirt bosoms. The following will commend the use of these goods to all who study convenience, neatness and economy. The interior is fine linen. The exterior is Celluloid – the union of which combines the strength of Linen with the Waterproof qualities of Celluloid. The Trouble and expense of washing is saved. When soiled simply rub with soap and water (hot or cold) used freely with a stiff brush. They are perspiration proof and are invaluable to travelers, saving all care of laundrying. Advice. In wearing the turn-down Collar, always slip the Necktie under the roll. Do not attempt to straighten the fold. The goods will give better satisfaction if the Separable Sleeve Button and Collar Button is used. Twist a small rubber elastic or chamois washer around the post of Sleeve Button to prevent possible rattling of Button, To remove Yellow Stains, which may come from long wearing, use Sapolio, Soap or Saleratus water or Celluline, which latter is a new preparation for cleansing Celluloid. Goods for sale by all dealers., RVCDC
- Date
- [ca. 1880]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department trade card - Richelderfer [1975.F.741]
- Title
- Superstitious Chinese children covering their faces to avoid being photographed
- Description
- Photograph depicting a Chinese man and four Chinese children on a platform at the entrance of the Chinese Pavilion at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition in St. Louis. Shows a boy standing with his back to the viewer, wearing a queue hairstyle and attired in a red cap, a blue shirt and pants, and blue cloth slip-on shoes. In the left, the boy, attired in a blue cap, a pink shirt and pants, and blue cloth slip-on shoes, sits on a chair and looks to the left. Beside him, a seated young girl, wearing a pink bow in her hair and attired in a pink shirt and pants, and blue cloth slip-on shoes, covers her face with both of her hands. In the right, a child, attired in a dark blue shirt, blue pants, and blue cloth slip-on shoes, sits and raises their arm and hands to cover their face. In the left behind the children, a Chinese man, attired in a conical hat, a dark blue shirt and pants, and cloth slip-on shoes, stands and holds possibly a torch. A white man, wearing a mustache and attired in a white collared shirt and a gray suit, stands and faces the viewer. A green dragon with its mouth open decorates the platform. A decorative wooden railing is visible along the background. The Louisiana Purchase Exposition, also known as the St. Louis World's Fair, was held from April 30 to December 1, 1904 in commemoration of the centennial of the Purchase. More than 60 countries and 43 of the American states displayed exhibits at the fair, which was attended by 19.7 million people. The Chinese Pavilion included a theater, a temple, a tea house, a bazaar, and a reproduction of the summer home of Prince Pu Lun, the Imperial Commissioner. In the Chinese Village were Chinese merchants, mechanics, painters, waiters, silk weavers, musicians, performers, and children. The children were set at the entrance of the concession to attract visitors., Green mount with rounded corners., Title printed on mount., Date inferred from content and date of event., Text printed on verso: In the Chinese Village there were nine little Chinese children who were shrewdly employed at the entrance to the concession as a drawing feature and who attracted great crowds of people. The youngest child was but three years old. Both parents lived in the village as merchants. The favorite with the visitors was Fanny Moy, the seven-year old daughter of the village druggist. She possessed a sweet voice and spoke English almost without any foreign accent. The largest boy, nine years old, was an accomplished musician and took also a prominent part in the theatrical performances. The children were under government inspection, and physicians detailed from the army service looked after their physical welfare, while a returned missionary instructed them in English. Each child was under a bond of $500 to secure their safe return to China after the exposition., Gift of Linda Kimiko August.
- Creator
- Ingersoll, T. W. (Truman Ward), 1862-1922
- Date
- 1904
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department stereos – misc. – Ingersoll [P.2023.43.6]
- Title
- The Hunters three and O.N.T
- Description
- Circular promoting Clark Thread Company and depicting racist caricatures of African, Asian, and indigenous men. Volume also contains several lines of narrative, promotional text written as a children’s story. The front cover is a color illustration of three white "merry gentlemen" in Cololonial attire and riding on horseback as "they hunt and hunt." The men are attired in tri-corn hats; red jackets; white breeches with riding boots; and white wigs. They ride on a road towards the viewer. The figures are bordered with pictorial details of the Clark’s O.N.T trademark. The rider in the middle raised his hat with his hand. Image is reproduced in black and white on p. [2]. P. [3] shows the horsemen observe three white children standing before them whom they believe "...must be princes. They sew their clothes with O.N.T." P. [4] show the "gentlemen" observe from a distance three African Zulu men. The men drive a lion into a net made of O.N.T. thread. One man is nude except for a feather on his head and bangs a large drum labeled "Clark's O.N.T. spool thread." Another man is attired in a skirt made of palm leaves and carries a shield and arrows. A third man carries arrows and wears a feather on his head. P [5] shows the "hunters" "spy" "three happy Hottentots" who roll down a hill on large spools of Clark's thread in a "chariot race." The three African men have their hair in buns atop their heads and are attired in white shorts and hoop earrings. One man is also attired in a shell necklace, and two men hold spears. P. [6] shows the three men find a Chinese man flying a kite strung with O.N.T. thread thread and to which a Chinese boy is attached. He is seated on a rug with his back to the viewer. To his right is a pipe. His hair is styled in a queue, and he is attired in a white shirt with a vest decorated in a print of dragons and slip-on, cloth shoes., P. [7] shows the white men finding an Inuit man on a sled made from a Clark's spool and pulled over the ice by a team of dogs. The sled driver is attired in a hooded parka and boots. P. [8] the three riders encounter a Native American man reigning in a buffalo with O.N.T. thread. He is attired in knee-high boots; a patterned blanket draped around his chest; hoop earrings; and a feather headdress. P. [9] shows a view of the back of the three riders bordered by pictorial details of the Clark’s O.N.T trademark. The back cover is a color illustration of a white girl with long blonde hair attired in black boots; red stocking; a green dress; and a blue striped apron. She is seated on an oversize spool of O.N.T. thread and playing cat's cradle with a white boy. The boy is attired in a red fez; a green coat; blue stockings; and black boots. The George A. Clark & Brother Company, manufactory of embroidery and sewing thread, was founded in 1863 in Newark, N.J. The firm was renamed Clark & Co. in 1879, and in the 1880s created a six-cord, soft finished thread called "Our New Thread" or "O.N.T." The business merged with J. & P. Coats in 1896, which lead to a series of mergers with fourteen other companies. Into the 21st century, the company continues to manufacture thread under the name Coats & Clark., Title from item., Advertising text printed on verso of front cover: Use Clark's trade mark O.N.T. spool cotton on white spools! It is superior to all others for hand and machine use. Garments sewed with O.N.T. fast black will never show white on the seams after being worn or washed., Advertising text printed on verso of back cover: Use Marshall's linen thread on 200 yard spools. Guaranteed full length. Made from the bext flax, and Milward's Helix Needles in patent wrappers. For sale everywhere., Place of publication deduced from place of operation of advertised business., Date deduced from history of advertised business., Distributor's name printed on p. [1]: George A. Cole, sole agent., Gift of David Doret.
- Date
- [ca. 1880]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Clark [P.2017.95.31]