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Warburton, "the" hatter, 430 Chestnut Street.

[Full-length portrait of an unidentified, seated boy] [graphic].

[Three-quarter length portrait of a young boy] [graphic] / W & F Langenheim, 216 Chestnut St., Philadelphia.

What makes these children look so queer? Why do they awkward all appear? The reason is, they are arrayed in clothing that is badly made. [graphic] / Awkward no more these boys appear. No longer look these children queer. And do you ask the reason why?-The

[John Wanamaker & Co. unidentified location trade cards]

Laird, Schober & Mitchell's shoes. Too fine to blacken! [graphic].

Use Dannemiller's Cordova coffee, in 1 pound papers, because it's the best [graphic].

Celluloid waterproof collars, cuffs & shirt bosoms. [graphic].

[Scraps no. 3 for 1832] [graphic] / Designed engraved & published by D.C. Johnston.

The Hunters three and O.N.T. [graphic].

Life in Philadelphia. General order!!! Tention!! de whole city ob Philadelphia!! Philadelphia, Uly 14th 1825, 6 month and little more beside [graphic].