View showing the elegant four-story hotel completed in 1826 after the designs of Thomas U. Walter in Brandywine Springs, Delaware. Elegantly attired guests crowd the first floor porch, are visible in some upper floor windows, and walk and lounge on the grounds. A man on horseback, and a horse-drawn carriage arrive at the hotel near two dogs chasing each other in the driveway. The hotel served as a summer retreat for the well-to-do of the region. The building was razed by fire in 1853., Title from manuscript note in ink on recto., pdcc00012, Not in Wainwright., Philadelphia on Stone, POSP 19, Free Library of Philadelphia: Castner 11:54
Clay, Edward Williams, 1799-1857, artist
Free Library of Philadelphia. | Print and Photograph Collection. FLP Castner 11:54
Receipts for hotel stays in New Orleans; Brandywine Springs, Del.; New York; Boston, Baltimore; Charleston and Columbia, S.C.; White Sulphur Springs, Cape May, and Niagara Falls, dated 1833-1867. Many have pictorial letterheads. Three receipts (Mills House, Charleston Hotel and and St. Charles Hotel) are made out to Gov. John L. Manning, governor of South Carolina from 1852-1854., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., This collection gathers 19th century hotel receipts from several sources, and is open to new additions.
Library Company of Philadelphia, collector
Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare Coll LCP Ephemera Hotel Receipts 3321.F