Aerial view of the Glen Gery Brick factory building and adjacent farmlands and railroad tracks. The Wyomissing plant was built in 1898, the same year the company reorganized as the United States Brick Company. The Wyomissing facility applied the continuous firing process in what was then the largest brick kiln in the United States. View is southeast to northwest. Location is immediately across Park Rd. from Vanity Fair textile mill along the Reading Railroad tracks. Probably taken September 12-16, 1922., Negative numbers: 2772., Record revised with information supplied by former Aero Service employee Carl H. Winnefeld, Jr.
Aero Service Corporation, photographer
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Aero Service [P.8990.2772]
Interior view of Machinery Hall depicting C. Schlickeysen's Exhibit. The exhibit features the work of the firm of C. Schlickeysen, a German innovator and inventor the auger brick machine.