Lithograph after genre painter John Lewis Krimmel's 1821 watercolor, "Parade of Victuallers." Depicts a view from publisher M. Carey & Son's Bookshop at the southeast corner of Fourth and Chestnut streets of the March 15, 1821 trade union parade organized by butcher William White to celebrate, promote, and sell the city's high quality meat stock. The streets, balconies, doorways, and open windows teem with spectators, including an African American man oyster peddler sitting upon his cart and a small white boy displaying an illustrated banner inscribed, "Fed by William White." Image includes: the crowd watching white smocked victuallers on horseback turn on to Fourth Street pass the grocery of William Whelan; a two-tier horse-drawn platform with a band and a handler with a live ox and banner inscribed, "Fed by Lewis Clapier"; carts of meat; floats, including a replica of the ship, "Louis Clapier"; and a hot air balloon inscribed, "Fed by White," floats in the sky. Contains text from detailed local newspaper accounts of the event below the image. Also contains a seal of butchers with the motto: "We Feed the Hungry.", Title from item., Fate inferred from content., Philadelphia on Stone, POS 837, See Anneliese Harding's John Lewis Krimmel: Genre artist of the early Republic (Winterthur, Delaware: The Henry Francis Dupont Winterthur Museum, 1997), p. 215-218. (LCP Print Room Reference)., See Milo Naeve's John Lewis Krimmel: An artist in Federal America (Newark: University of Delaware Press, 1987), p. 116-118., See Philadelphia: Three centuries of American art (Philadelphia: Philadelphia Museum of Art, 1976) #211., See LCP exhibition catalogue: Made in America #33., See LCP exhibition catalogue: Noteworthy Philadelphia, p. 27., Free Library of Philadelphia holds version printed circa 1850 by George Dubois. [Oversize Philadelphiana - Processions]., Accessioned 1983., Description revised 2021., Access points revised 2021.
Haugg, Louis, 1827-1903, artist
[ca. 1861]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department **BW-Processions [P.8970.29]