Advertisement showing the dry dock along a tumultuous Delaware River. Shipwrights work on the hull of a ship raised in the dry dock in front of the firm's building adorned with signage "Kensington Screw Dock." At the wharf of the dry dock, horse-drawn drays travel past the neighboring oil manufactory and distillery and a captain, with a dog, leans on a hitching post to which a tugboat is tied. In the rough water of the river, skiffs, sailboats, and a rowboat navigate the choppy waves. Also shows surrounding boathouses, wharves, and buildings lining the riverfront., Philadelphia on Stone, Atwater Kent Museum: 54.78.1/2
Schell, Francis H., 1834-1909, artist
[ca. 1855]
Atwater Kent Museum | Print Department AKM AKM 54.78.1/2