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[Navigating the river, Atsion River, New Jersey] [graphic].

[Canoe carrying two men, Atsion River, New Jersey] [graphic].

[Lifting the canoes, Atsion River, New Jersey] [graphic].

[Two canoes on the river, Atsion River, New Jersey] [graphic].

[Two canoes on the river, Atsion River, New Jersey] [graphic].

[Two canoes on the river, Atsion River, New Jersey] [graphic].

[Woman in a canoe, Atsion River, New Jersey] [graphic].

[Woman leaning against a tree, Atsion River, New Jersey] [graphic].

[Carrying a canoe, Atsion River, New Jersey] [graphic].

[Group on the riverbank, Atsion River, New Jersey] [graphic].

[Launching the canoes, Atsion River, New Jersey] [graphic].

[Launching the canoes, Atsion River, New Jersey] [graphic].

Canoeing on the Mullica River [graphic].

[Jane Rhoads Morris standing near a canoe, Atsion River, New Jersey] [graphic].

Deserted house at Atsion, N.J. [graphic].