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Park drive, park carriage.

River Road and park carriage, Phila. park.

Vernon Park on Greene St.

Girard House Polka

Landsdown Drive looking north.

Broad St. looking N. from Sansom St. on 3rd day of Centennial of our Constitution, showing Arch with coats of arms of states. [Constitutional Centennial Celebration, Philadelphia] [graphic].

Old house no. 5358 Main St. & view up the street. [Germantown] [graphic].

U.S. Mint

Centennial of the U.S. Constitution. 9 mo. 15, 16 + 17, 1887. The Arch at Broad and Chestnut, [Philadelphia] [graphic].

[[The]] Monestary [sic]. Built by Joseph Gorgas bt. 1746 & 1752.

Bush's Allegheny House, Market Street, Above Eighth. C. I. Bush, prop'r.

William D. Rogers & Co. Carriage Manufactory, Philadelphia [graphic] / Eng. by H. B. Hall & Sons, 62 Fulton St., N.Y.

[Joseph Beckhaus carriage factory, 1204 Frankford Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa.] [graphic].

To J. Mullin, dr. Coupes and carriages to hire. Stable, 1522 Rundle Street.

Centennial music.

Church of St. Philip Neri. Philadelphia, Penna.

Broad St. New public buildings.

Centennial Exhibition grounds, Philadelphia, 1876.

George's Hill.

Post office, Chestnut St., below Fifth. (Instantaneous).

Necker's Cottage, S. Broad St. near League St. [Philadelphia] [graphic].

Custom House & E. end of State House from 4 & Library Sts. 2nd story, [Philadelphia] [graphic].

[Custom House & E. end of State House from 4 & Library Sts. 2nd story. Philadelphia] [graphic].

Main St. depot from Wister's meadow, [Germantown] [graphic].

The London Hotel, N.W. corner 7th & Arch. Soon to be torn down [graphic].

Broad St. looking South from Sansom St. [Constitutional Centennial Celebration, Philadelphia] [graphic].

[Broad St. looking N. from Sansom St. on 3rd day of Centennial of our Constitution, showing Arch with coats of arms of states. Constitutional Centennial Celebration, Philadelphia] [graphic].

Chestnut St. looking E. from top of Wanamakers arch, [Constitutional Centennial Celebration, Philadelphia] [graphic].

Liberty building, old graveyard & school-house from Jone's roof, [Germantown] [graphic].

Ed. Strawbridge in buggy at their house, [Germantown] [graphic].

[Genesta], Fred Strawbridge in buggy, [Germantown] [graphic].

View on the Wissihicken [sic] near Philla. [sic]

[William Dunlaps' coach manufactory & repository, No. 169 North Fifth Street. Philadelphia]

[Wm. D. Rogers' coach manufactory, Sixth and Brown Streets, Philadelphia]

Wright, Hunter & Co. S.W. cor. Ninth & Walnut Sts. Philadelphia.

Girard House

Girard House, Ninth & Chestnut Sts., Phila, Pa.

Girard House, Ninth & Chestnut Sts., Phila, Pa.

Girard House, Ninth & Chestnut Sts., Phila, Pa.

[J. Willis, shoe manufactory, 241 Arch Street, Philadelphia]

Citizens Volunteer Hospital Association of Philadelphia. Instituted, September 5th 1862.

The late theatre in Chesnut [sic] Street Philadelphia [graphic]: Destroyed by Fire in 1820 / Drawn & Published by W. Birch near Bristol, 1804; Gilbert Fox Aquafortus.

View on the Wissahickon above toll house. [graphic] / Bartlett & Smith, photographers.

Harrison's Row, Locust St. bel. 18th. [graphic].

State House and Independence Hall. [graphic].

Girard Avenue Bridge, Fairmount Park, Philadelphia.

Philadelphia Library. On the northeast corner of Fifth and Library street. [graphic] / Photograph by Richards.

Continental Hotel, Philadelphia, J.E. Kingsley & Co., proprietors [envelope]

Mercantile Library, on the southeast corner of Fifth and Library Street. [graphic] / Photograph by Richards.

[225th aniversary of Germantown parade, Germantown, Pa.] [graphic].
