Racist scene showing an African American family comprised of the parents and eleven children traveling in an open wagon pulled by two oxen. The parents, each holding a baby, sit on the cab as the older children stand in the bed of the wagon. A wood shack, with three small windows, a door, and dilapidated fencing stands in the background. Two African American women, each holding a baby, stand in front of the building. The women and girls wear cotton shirtwaists, skirts, or smock dresses, and kerchiefs or a wide-brimmed hat. The man and boys wear long-sleeved shirts, pants, and hats or caps., Date from copyright statement: Copyright 1895, by Strohmeyer & Wyman., Title from item., Title printed in six different languages, including French, German, and Spanish on verso., Gift of David Long., RVCDC, Description reviewed 2022., Access points revised 2022., In 1912 Keystone View Company purchased rights to some Underwood & Underwood negatives for use in educational sets, and in 1922 purchased the remaining stock of Underwood materials. Keystone remained in business until 1970.
Underwood & Underwood
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department stereo - Underwood & Underwood - Portraits & Genre [P.2018.16.9]