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ASSU Illustration 3638

ASSU Illustration 5838

ASSU Illustration 9470

ASSU Illustration 3770

ASSU Illustration 3650

ASSU Illustration 5242

ASSU Illustration 7815

First of April.

[Man petting kitten near wooden house] [graphic].

[Man with kittens near wooden house] [graphic].

A Niggardly Man.

She Tiger.


Hearts! at once

Curwen Stoddart & Brother, 450, 452 and 454 N. Second Street, Philadelphia.

Making ends meet.

J.A. Ladd & Son, booksellers and stationers. Holiday cards a specialty. 37 West Gay Street, West Chester, Pa.

D. Klein & Bro., clothiers, 1112 Market Street, Philadelphia. Branch store, 4327 Main St., Manayunk.

Jayne's [patent medicine label] [graphic].

A. Heinman men's furnishing goods, No. 140 No. Eighth Str. Philadelphia.

[Fitzgerald & Sons trade cards]

What is home without a husband?

Nath'l W. Appleton, stationer, No. 7 School Street, Boston.

Cat & dog at tree, [Olney, PA] [graphic].

[African American woman with a cat] [graphic].

"How do debble does dey make a bicycle?" = Como diablos se hacen los bicírculos? [graphic].

Theo. Leonhardt & Son, importers of cards, 324 & 326 Chestnut St., Philadelphia.

The Prospect Brewing Co. Eleventh, Oxford & Marvine Sts. Philadelphia, Pa.

[B.T. Babbitt's Best trade cards]

The Military Man.

F. Pulaski & Co., 1026 Chestnut St.

[Charles W.R. Smith trade cards]

[The Singer Manufacturing Company trade cards]

"It's easy to dye with Diamond Dyes"

In parlor of Robert [Mickle]'s House. N.E. Harbor, [Mount Desert Island, ME] [graphic].

Han[nah Morris], cat & dog, [Olney, PA] [graphic].

William B. Dixey trade cards

Compliments of J.C. Williams & Son, Central Pharmacy, 50 South Salina St., Syracuse, N.Y.

[Sketchbook during New England summer excursion, July-August 1882]

[Double-sided proof print containing a racist caricature with a mammy and a comic genre scene with a bookmaker] [graphic] / Bernhard Hall 1902.

[Darlington, Runk & Co. trade cards]

Concentrated leaven or bread powders.

Wootten's excelsior stove lustre or pure black lead

Excelsior metal polish, for polishing and cleaning cutlery, brass, copper, tin ware and all bright steel and metal work [graphic].

Muzzy's sun gloss starch. Elkhart Starch Co. [graphic].

Boston boot and shoe and gents’ furnishing house, also, a fine line of hats, caps, trunks, valises &c. At no. 253 South Clark St., near Jackson, Chicago. L. F. Shanovski, - proprietor. [graphic].

[Partridge & Richardson trade cards]

[Partridge & Richardson trade cards]

[A.C. Yates & Co. clothing trade cards]

Sunday laws : Hanging the cat on Monday for killing the mouse on Sunday. [graphic]
