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Rally! Rally!! Rally!!! Attention! : The members of the First State Troop of Frankford and citizens who wish to participate, are requested to meet at Jolly Post Hotel, Frankford, on Thursday afternoon, July 2d, at 3 o'clock, in citizens' dress, mounted fo

23d Ward Troop attention! : The troop will meet for drill, mounted, at 4 o'clock, p.m., on [blank] the [blank] of [blank] at the head quarters, Jolly Post Hotel A full attendance is requested, as business of importance will be laid before the troop. / By

Rally! Rally! Rally! Head-quarters, 23d Ward Troop! : July [blank] 1863. Attention! Twenty-third Ward Troop, will report themselves at [blank] o'clock, this day, in citizens' dress, mounted for parade and drill. / By command of Capt. William C. Murphy, re

[Peace Jubilee parade, Rough Riders in front of Keneseth Israel Temple, 1717 North Broad Street, Philadelphia.]

Philadelphia Light Cavalry Col. Rich'd Henry Rush, accepted by the War Department for three years or the war. : Principal rendezvous, 833 Market St. This regiment offers to active young men who desire at once to go to duty, peculiar advantages. The muster

P. S. Duval's lithographic establishment & office of the U. S. Mility. Magazine by Huddy & Duval, No. 7, Bank Alley, Philadelphia.