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Rally! Rally!! Rally!!! Attention! : The members of the First State Troop of Frankford and citizens who wish to participate, are requested to meet at Jolly Post Hotel, Frankford, on Thursday afternoon, July 2d, at 3 o'clock, in citizens' dress, mounted fo

23d Ward Troop attention! : The troop will meet for drill, mounted, at 4 o'clock, p.m., on [blank] the [blank] of [blank] at the head quarters, Jolly Post Hotel A full attendance is requested, as business of importance will be laid before the troop. / By

Cavalry recruits wanted! For the defence of our good old state. : Able-bodied men between the ages of 18 and 50, who wish to serve in a regiment with officers who have seen active service in the field, and commanded by Colonel John H. Gardiner late Major

Rally! Rally! Rally! Head-quarters, 23d Ward Troop! : July [blank] 1863. Attention! Twenty-third Ward Troop, will report themselves at [blank] o'clock, this day, in citizens' dress, mounted for parade and drill. / By command of Capt. William C. Murphy, re

The Last and only chance as cavalry! : A company now forming. All bounties offered by the U. States, state & city, will be given to recruits. Head quarters, Ridge Avenue below Poplar. / Amos Pennebaker, Lieutenant. T.A. Byrnes, Captain.

Russell Light Cavalry : The last chance to enter the favorite arm of the service. Having received special authority from Gov. Curtin to raise an independent troop of light cavalry! I call upon those who are able to come forward and enroll themselves at on

[Peace Jubilee parade, Rough Riders in front of Keneseth Israel Temple, 1717 North Broad Street, Philadelphia.]

Dana Troop! : A troop of cavalry of the above name, composed of the late members of the Anderson Cavalry, and their friends, is now recruiting at 1010 Chestnut Street. A few respectable young men wanted to fill the company. Horses and equipments furnished

Philadelphia Light Cavalry Col. Rich'd Henry Rush, accepted by the War Department for three years or the war. : Principal rendezvous, 833 Market St. This regiment offers to active young men who desire at once to go to duty, peculiar advantages. The muster

Active men wanted! For the Second Regiment Penn'a Cavalry! : Col. R. Butler Price, now in camp near Darby. Men joining this regiment will be uniformed and fed at once. Pay as follows: 1st sergeant, $22 Other sergeants, 19 Corporals, $16 Privates, 14 Farri

Flying artillery : Fifty good men wanted to fill up Capt. Massey's Company I Flying Artillery! To be attached to the Continental Cavalry, commanded by Col. Peyton. Government and city bounties given. All men joining this company will be clothed immediatel

P. S. Duval's lithographic establishment & office of the U. S. Mility. Magazine by Huddy & Duval, No. 7, Bank Alley, Philadelphia.